Chapter 17

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Izzy's POV.

So I have been in a lot of pain thanks to kirk. He is such a bastard it's untrue. I still couldn't believe Rachel's a part of my kidnapp but she said I wouldn't see her again so I was glad about that.

Shit, someone's coming in. It's bob, he looked at me. For about a minuite he was staring at my bruising and just left the room. That's when I heard shouting, If he didn't like this why the fuck did he agree on kidnapping.

And again I got scared I heard a smash. It sounded like a glass smashing against the wall, great. And in came kirk looking the angriest I've ever seen him. With the glass In his hand, I could see blood starting to stream from his hands. I didn't know what he was going to do.

He started to approach me. He chucked the glass right at my head. Fuck that hurt, I think I have glass pieces In the top of my head now. As I touched my head I found out I was wrong, the pieces of glass just missed from cutting. As kirk looked at me with disgust, he decided to spit on me!!! the tramp. And left me sitting there in tears as usual.

I needed sleep, but I don't want to risk it. They could come in and do anything they wanted. Not so much bob as he hasn't laid a finger on me I don't think he has anyway I can't even remember. But kirk was different, he wasn't afraid to harm me. He seemed to enjoy it, what a nutty man. Who does that for pleasure.

I decided to get some sleep in the end, can't of been for more than a hour but it's still sleep. I had a piece of bread and a glass I water brought in while I was sleeping, I quickly at the bread and drank half the glass of water. Bob must've brought it in. No way would kirk bring me food. I was feeling terrible. I felt weak and could just about stand. The worst thing is my chances of getting out was getting smaller as my phone has now died. I thought I turned it of but I didn't. That was my only chance of getting out of here.

I wondered if harry and my family are worried about me. Well obviously they are, I couldn't think that they didn't care if course they did. I just hope they help me, I needed to escape but I didn't have a chance to.

I mentally made a plan in my head, an escape plan. It won't work I know it won't. I will try anyway.

As soon as I heard silence on the other side of the door I slowly opened it. The room was empty. I could see what looks like the front door, all I had to do was get to it. I was on my hands and knees until I heard a voice. Shit shit, both of them was entering.

"What the fuck are you doing you little bitch" that was bob, I didn't think he would speak to me that way but I was wrong. Both of them approached me, they both got me by the hair and dragged me back to the horrid room. This was hell.

As soon as we got to the room kirk threw me to the floor and left. Wait kirk left? This wasn't like him.

I thought I wasn't going to get hurt, I was wrong. Very wrong. Bob started to kick me everywhere. He started at my stomach. Then my legs and arms. Now he's going round my body. He kicked and punched me in the back. Then to Finnish me off he must of kicked me about 20 times In the bum for some reason. He tugged at my hair so I could see his face and said "you fucking want to play games, well you just earnt yourself one" shit, what does that mean.

I didn't think bob would ever hurt me, i thought kirk would only hurt me. I guess I was wrong.

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