Chapter 15

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(Thank you for the reads, didn't expect that!! Enjoy chapter 15)

Harry's POV
We haven't heard anything from izzy in a day now it's Friday afternoon and she left yesterday. I can't believe she went to protect her family and friends, that's what she's like. I think I would do the same as her really as I wouldn't want my family to get hurt if I could go. I just wish izzy gave a text or call before she went.

Her mum is terrified along with. her sister. She read the note over and over again. She couldn't stop crying.

I have to text Imogen to let her know about what's going on, she hasn't got a clue. I sent the text and told her if she could to come over, I think we will need all the support we can get.
Instantly I got a text back saying she'll be right over.

She got here within 5 minuites, I showed her everything on her iPod, Imogen looked like she was going to faint. She said to call the police but it has to be 24 hours till we can call so we will call at about 6ish just incase.

Imogen said she will keep an eye around and inform people to look it for izzy. I just hope she comes home soon.

It's now 6pm we have heard nothing from izzy so her mum is calling the police.

I heard the whole conversation taking place, her mum was in tears when she said the first sentence but she calmed down and explained everything to the police, the messages, the calls, the abuse at the party and finally the note she left.

She read out the note which I didn't want to hear again it was heartbreaking. Here's what it said.

'Dear mum, Alice and Harry. I'm so sorry I have to leave you, I didn't plan on it anytime soon but I didn't have a choice. I have been getting messages and calls from two men. One is called Bob but I don't know about the other one. They are dangerous, do you remember the slap mark around my face last night well that was them. They also yanked my hair out and threw me to the floor.
I have been receiving the messages for over a week now and it's been scaring me so much. I didn't want to tell anyone about what they wanted me to do, as they said they would harm my family, I couldn't stand seeing any of you hurt. So that's where I have gone to meet them, I had to. They won't give up with me. If I can't see you all again just remember I love you all so much and I will stay with you forever'

I cried when Izzy's mum read this out. I couldn't stand the last bit about never seeing each other again, we would see her again. Because we will find her and rescue her from those awful men.

Izzy's POV.
How long have I been here, a day and it feels more like a week. I would get the odd visit every hour of so, and bob will bring me water.

Someone's entering the room, I bit my lip so hard I might of made it bleed, it was kirk with a smug smile on his face.
He walked over to me, I was sitting on the floor, he grabbed my arm and started yanking me out of the room. That hurts, keep it in you don't want to look even more like a wuss.

As he pulled me through the door there stood about 2 other men both looking a few years older than me and a girl that looked my age. That girl was Rachel, the most popular girl in my school.

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