Chapter 38

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So I have woke up and my feet are still killing from yesterday. As I got up I was wondering what I was meant to do today. Mum and Alice were away at my Nans today, I did get offered to go but I said no as they were leaving way to early.

It was early afternoon and harry had been texting saying that they have to do a quick recording so Eleanor would be round. About 10 minuites later the door knocked and in cane Eleanor.

"Heya" I said.

"Hi" she didn't seem okay.

"What's up" I asked as I entered the kitchen and she followed.


"There must be something el, your not yourself"

"Really it's nothing Hun" I didn't want to give up, she really did seem down.

"No I'm not giving up" I was keeping my word.

"Well it's the boys, management called and said they have to go back to London soon, when I say soon I mean next week, they all refused and in the end management said they were just going to come here so That's what they are doing" she said.

"El, there staying here" she nodded.

"Yeah, but I'm just fed up of them not being able to have freedom" she sighed.

"Me too but we can't do nothing" I shrugged.

"I guess so" she replied.

"So what do you wanna do today"I asked her.

"Well I was thinking going to get my nails done, you coming" she asked.


Once we were ready we headed out to El's car as she needed to get petrol in the way.

We arrived at the salon and there were loads if paparazzi outside, how did they know we was here. I took my phone out my pocket and looked at the boys recent tweet, Louis had tweeted.

@louis_tomilinson out with the boys today, hope @eleanorcalder and @izzy_maxin have a nice Girly day!!

I felt like replying to his tweet but I decided against It, if you say one thing to the boys the fans go crazy.

We struggled to get inside but a security guard helped get us inside.

"Hello how may I help you" a squeaky blonde girl behind the counter said.

"Two for nails please" elenor said quickly.

"One moment" she said.

"Okay come through" this place was amazing, it looked so expensive, she said Louis said he'll treat us and kept telling me not to worry about paying.

I decided to get some nail extensions in pink and white and elenor went with the same but baby yellow. As we paid the total was £80 it made me gasp inside but Eleanor quickly paid and we left and went back outside to the screaming fans.

We got to the car and headed to Starbucks and ordered, I ordered a smoothie and elenor the same. Once we were done we headed home.

"Well I love my nails" el spoke up.

"Me too, I've gotta thank Louis when we get back" I said back.

"No, no. I already did" el said quickly.

"I'm still going to thank him"

"No I already have, don't worry" I knew excactly what elenor has done.

"You paid for them didn't you"I snapped.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I wanted to treat my best mate okay"

"Aww sorry I snapped el, you know I don't like you paying"

"It's fine, when you said about Lou, I was like shit" she laughed so did I.

We pulled up to my house and went Inside, the boys still wasn't home so me and elenor just went into the garden even though it was January.

"So... How's the fans been towards you" I asked Eleanor.

"Well the usual, I get love and hate all the time" she said.

"Me too, but I've been getting more love lately"

"It's because you and harry are perfect hun" she smiled.

"But so are you and Louis" I shrugged.

"But you two are different, you've known each other so long, the fans have known you and harry the same time if that makes sence" she laughed.

"I know but you and Louis are the cutest couple I've ever known, you were made for each other" she grinned at the last bit.

"I guess, haters will hate and lovers will love, that's the way I is" Eleanor said.

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'

Me and Eleanor were talking for about an hour before she anounced that Lou had text her saying they are home and then I got one of harry.

"Boys are back" we both said together and chuckled.

Catch me. (Harry styles fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant