Yin and Yang: Chap 19

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They stayed silent for several moments as if to see if they were allowed to speak again. I rolled my eyes under my arm and sighed. 

"I can't believe that we have to fight a giant pack of werewolves tomorrow. I mean we've spent the last couple years pretending to be normal teenagers. They honestly they have no idea what's going on around them." Said Quinn staring at the ceiling.

"Most people go back to school on Monday... we have to go into the army." Mia spoke softly.

"We could be dead tomorrow." Tyler pointed out making us quiet. We could be dead tomorrow.

Quinn closed his eyes and breathed in slowly, "Do you guys know where elves usually reside?" He asked looking at the now confused looks we were all wearing. "I was just curious." He held his hands up in surrender, placing them back on the dusty floor.

"Don't they live in like an alternate reality away from all the abominable creatures such as ourselves?" Tyler commented getting a chuckle out of Quinn and Mia.

Tyler had yet to warm up to me since I had kicked his ass. He wouldn't even make eye contact with me, or hold a conversation with me. I was surprised he was still in the same room as me. "Do you guys want to go to the barn tonight? I mean as like, the place where all this started." Mia shut her mouth after that to see our reactions.

"It might be for the last time." Quinn said quieter than Mia.

"It's settled then. We're going." Said Tyler standing up, dusting off his pants.

"You coming Bash?" Asked Quinn, I didn't miss the uncertainty in his voice. I removed the arm from my face and smiled at him. 

"Of course. Why would I miss it?" Well that was laced with more sarcasm then intended. But he bought it, so win win. Great. 

I couldn't stop the words from coming out of my mouth, "So I get to waste my time doing childish things, instead of preparing for I don't know, a battle." I said with a chuckle. 

Mia frowned and Quinn blushed turning to leave the room like I had hurt his poor feelings. "Bash, don't do this. You know we all need this, even if you don't." I rolled my eyes watching her chase after him.

Once they left my thoughts drifted to Amelia, like always. I couldn't wait to see what her wolf looked like. Probably white, like in the books, and with the purple eyes that ran in her family. Maybe when I kill her, I'll keep her fur and her eyes as trophies. I smiled, I couldn't wait to taste her blood in my mouth.

Amelia's POV

I stared at my hands, looking at the black ring around my fingernails. Kaden hadn't left my side since he found out I'd been poisoned. He's been testing all my food and all my drinks, saying that it was for my protection but, I have a feeling he just wanted some of my food. My dad had yet to speak to me, it was like he was afraid of me...

My mom had welcomed me into her arms, forgiving me for what I had done. Promising they would lock me up next time. Grandma was currently brushing my tangled hair, she had been teaching me to control the shift these last couple days, testing weird herbs that are "supposed" to help.

She said it would get easier once the poison left my system. I was getting the hang on it now. It was easier to will my bones to shift and crack, no longer feeling the pain I had during my first shift. "I've literally never seen so many wolves in one place at the same time." Kaden commented looking out the kitchen window. 

"Well it's not like there are several packs here preparing for battle or anything." I said my words covered in serval drops of sarcasm.

"Don't be like that." He said sticking out his tongue. He continued the conversation his words blurring to my unfocused hearing. I bit into my sandwich thinking about what would happen when I saw Bash tomorrow. Would he really be ready to kill me?

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