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Chapter 7

*Joey POV*

On the way home coming back from the restaurant and I just felt so bad and miserable. Damn, why do people have to hit on me and why can’t I be ready to tell people that I am gay and that I am in love with Shane?! Why can’t life be easy? We were around the corner from our apartment. I sighed and then apologised …again

Joey-“Shane I am sorry. I feel horrible. I don’t want you to be mad at me, I honestly didn’t mean to be flirty and I wish I was ready to tell everyone I am gay and I am with you. I want people to know how much you mean to me; I want to show you how much I love you.”

I could feel my cheeks getting warm so I looked down at my lap and Shane reached over and grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

Shane-“Joey, stop. There is no need for you to apologize! You weren’t flirting, I see that now. It is just in your nature to be really nice. And you are fucking attractive who wouldn’t wanna flirt with you?! Like I said before, it’s fine that you aren’t ready. I will still be with you no matter how long it takes, days, weeks or even months. I will always love you Joseph Michael Graceffa.”

By the time he had told me that I am attractive he had already parked the car. Once he used love you and my whole name in a sentence I blushed and giggled. He lightly put his index finger under my chin and pulled it so I was now facing towards him, he then cupped my face and kissed me. It was passionate but ended too soon.

Shane-“Come on lets go!”

He winked at me and we both got out of the car, we just got through the door before Shane wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me, his legs then went around my waist and I carried him into the bedroom without breaking the kiss. I was on top of Shane and I took my shirt off, a little moan came from his lips as I kissed down his neck. My lips then reached his again.

*Shane POV*

Shane-“Joey, stop. There is no need for you to apologize! You weren’t flirting, I see that now. It is just in your nature to be really nice. And you are fucking attractive who wouldn’t wanna flirt with you?! Like I said before, it’s fine that you aren’t ready. I will still be with you no matter how long it takes, days, weeks or even months. I will always love you Joseph Michael Graceffa.”

 Hold up did I just say that? That was so cheesy. But Joey blushed anyway. I had the strangest feeling that somebody was watching us but I shrugged it off and kissed Joey. I could honestly kiss him for ever. His lips are soft and well as stupid as this sounds they are kissable. I just never wanted to stop. But I had a better idea. Just as Joey shut the door to our apartment I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, without even thinking I wrapped my legs around his waist! Next thing you know I’m lying on the bed with Joey hovering over me, taking his shirt off and then a moan escaped my lips as he kissed my neck. Off came my shirt, I knew it was wrong and I shouldn’t be doing this but I couldn’t help it… then my pants came right off and he kissed all the way down my chest, Joey seemed to know exactly what he was doing, because he was doing it perfectly. I moaned and when it happened my whole body relaxed. Joey finished looked up at me and winked. Then I returned the favour.

*Joey POV*

Shane returned my favour and oh my goodness he was amazing. I moaned ever so softly and it became more intense. When Shane finished he laid next to me.  We looked into each other’s eyes and smiled, except Shane’s smile was more of a sad smile. I leaned in to kiss Shane and he looked away.

Joey-“Shane, what’s wrong?”

Shane-“Joey I can’t, I can’t have sex with you. To be honest I shouldn’t have even done that. I still stand by my decision on no sex before marriage… I am sorry”

Shoot, I didn’t want to make him feel bad or feel like he had to do something he was ready or comfortable with. 

Joey-“shit, Shane don’t apologise it was my fault. I should have remembered and respected that, but I just let myself get carried away. I am so freakin’ sorry!”

Shane came close to me and I put my arms around him.

Shane-“You didn’t force me to do anything I didn’t want to do. I wanted that… a lot. I know it’s going to be hard for us but I just can’t.”

Joey-“I understand, we will wait till we are married then.”

Wait hold up! Did I just say till WE are married? Oh gosh. Joey think before you speak wow.

Shane-“I’d like that… I would like that a lot. I love you”

Oh thank goodness! I thought he would have freaked out.

Joey-“ I love you too Shaney!”

That was the last thing I remembered before falling asleep.


shooty shoot guys. that was sexual hahah! So yeah it is really short but i promise tomorrow i should havee at least 2 to 3 new chapters up!


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