i love you.

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Chapter 4

*Joey POV*

Shane fainted after he told me he is gay. I took his shirt off because it had vomit all over it; I picked him up and put him in my bed.  I lied down next to him and admired how attractive he is. His perfect hair and how his fringe is always on the left, the small amount of freckles that run across his nose, how he always seems to have stubble and those soft kissable lips. I pulled my phone out and looked through some photos of Shane and I. We would make the cutest couple, I wish Shoey was real. I stopped on one particular photo a shot of Shane kissing me for ‘Dare Dawson’. Did it mean anything to him? It sure meant something to me. The more I looked at the photo the more I wish I could be with him and kiss him without it having to be a dare.

Shane-“cute picture huh?”

Shooooot. He caught me staring at it. It was indeed a cute photo if only it wasn’t a dare.

Shane-“You know I picked that dare because I got to kiss you…”

Wait. What? Did he really just say that?!

Joey-“uh what?!”

Shane- “Joey I thought it was obvious… I love you!”

Shane loves me! He said he loves me. Oh my gosh! Without even thinking I rolled on top of Shane and kissed him. Soft and sweet at first then he kissed me back. He became passionate and that is when I could tell that what he said was the truth. He rolled over so he was now on top of me. With only being inches away from each other it was hard to resist the temptation.

Joey-“I love you so much Shane, words cannot descri-“

He cut me off by kissing me. Kissing my lips, my jaw line and straight down my neck until he found my sweet spot.

Joey-“you have been holding back on me Shane!”

The words slipped out of my mouth but Shane looked me dead in the eye and winked. Then his mouth then met mine again.

*Shane POV*

Shane-“Joey I thought it was obvious… I love you!”

Did those words really just come out of my mouth? I looked at Joey waiting for a reaction, a smile hit Joey’s lips and then all of a sudden those lips hit mine! Wait was Joey Graceffa kissing me?! Did this mean he loves me back? I kissed him back not wanting it to ever end. I had one million butterflies flying around in my stomach, my heart was beating fast and my breathing became heavy. I then rolled on top of Joey, which he obviously was not expecting.

Joey-“I love you so much Shane, words cannot descri-“

I couldn't resist him. Not after he said I love you. We were meant to be together and we both knew it. Our breathing became heavy and uneven.  Kissing Joey with cameras pointed at us was hard, without the cameras, it was easy and natural. I loved him. Joey rolled back on top of me but his lips went from my mouth down my jaw and he then buried his face into my neck and laid next to me. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him as close as I possibly could to me. I would not let him leave.

Shane-“so what happens now?”

Joey then laid his head on my chest and I kissed the top of his head.

Joey-“well I haven’t come out to anybody yet but that is where we could start? By telling people that we are gay and a couple? We are a couple right…?”

Shane-“Joey I love you, of course we are a couple. And I have come out to my mum so I don’t have many people to tell other than my subscribers. Oh and Lisa knows about me being gay and that fact that I’m in love with you.”

Joey-“I love you too Shane. I have waited so long for you to say those words! I guess I will start with my family then we can tell our viewers together?”

Shane-“sounds like a plan. We are going to get so much hate for coming out…”

Joey-“Oh well, we will have each other’s back.”

We then fell asleep in each other’s arms. And it was the best feeling in the world.  

i kept this chapter short but sweet as i need sleep! New chapters will be up this time tomorrow! hopefully they will be longer. Joey and Shane are going to tell people... how will they react?! Any suggestions or comments either leave them on here or tweet me! :)

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