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 Chapter 13

*Shane POV*

I was holding Joey in my arms. I sat there holding him as close as possible thinking about what our future would be like. Marriage? Children? Growing old together? Who knows? My thoughts were interrupted by my phone. It was a blocked number but I answered anyway.


??-“Hello Shane…”

Shane-“What do you want?!”

??-“I just wanted to let you know I know who took those photos!”

Shane-“Who? Tell me who?”


Shane-“You got to be fucking shitting me!”

They hung up. What the fuck?! How could they do this? To me? To Joey? I can’t believe it. I’m so fucking pissed. I tried to calm myself down and Joey started asking me what happened. I ignored him until he got pissed. I lied. How could I tell him about this?! He would go over to their house and go crazy. I can’t let him do that. He ended up going for a shower, when he got out I offered him a spot next to me but he ignored me and walked out the bedroom. I gave him 10 minutes to calm down. I went to the couch and decided to tell him. ((Same thing happens as the previous chapter no point in re-writing))

Shane-“Yes…It’s about the photos…”

Joey-“What photos? The ones on tumblr?! Do you know who did it?!”

Shane-“Yes… but Joey, promise me that you won’t hurt this person or contact this person. I will sort it out. Please, promise me!”

Joey-“Shane… I don’t know.”

Shane-“Joey! Please for me?”

Joey-“ugh fine! Promise!”

I couldn’t tell if he was lying or not but I guess I should tell him…

Shane-“Lisa, it was Lisa. She took the photos. I will find out why and tell her how much of a skank she was for doing it but please Joey, don’t do anything.”

Joey-“That bitch! How dare she spy on us! How dare she take photos of us and post them on the internet! What the fuck is her problem? She has been stalking us for months now. I have been checking on the blog! How am I not meant to do anything?”

Joey stood up and walked to the door. I got there first though.

Joey-“Shane, move. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Shane-“Joey listen to yourself. You just said you will hurt me if I don’t move just so you can go see Lisa and go off at her! You promised me Joey. Don’t you love me?”

I know he loves me but I don’t know how else to keep him here. He did scare me when he told me he didn’t want to hurt me. Would he hurt me?

Joey-“Shane. I won’t hurt you. I do love you. Just please move, I won’t hurt anyone, I just need to talk to her…. With my fist.”

Shane-“Joey stop! You are acting stupid! You can’t go over to her house and bash her! Are you fucking crazy?!”

Joey-“Maybe I am? Maybe I am fucking crazy Shane! Who cares? What she has done is pathetic and she deserves to be punished.”

Shane-“You aren’t crazy Joey. And she does but she won’t be punished by you. In the morning we can go either to the cops or you can come with me to see her. As long as you promise not to say anything or do anything. It is your choice. But if you go over there now she will be the one going to the cops and… I won’t help you.”

Joey broke down in tears. I tried to hug him, but he took a step back and looked me in the eyes. His eyes were red and filled with tears.

Joey-“You wouldn’t help me? You would chose her over me… I thought you loved me…”

Shane-“Joey. I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant… well I don’t really know. It just came out. I wouldn’t chose Lisa over you. I chose YOU over her! Don’t you see Joey, I love you! I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to lose you because of her.”

Joey stepped into my arms and started crying on my shoulder. I’m usually not good with comforting people who are crying but with Joey it was different.

Shane-“I really do love you Joey. So please stay here… stay here with me.”


I lead us to the bedroom again and laid down. I still cradled Joey in my arms and waited for him to settle down.

Joey-“I hate her.”

Shane-“Hate is a strong word Joey, and you don’t hate anyone.”

Joey-“You are wrong. I hate Lisa. I really do.”

Shane-“Okay. You can hate her now but you will only dislike her tomorrow”

Joey-“Shut up. I dislike that you know me that well. I want to be able to hate her but I just can’t. Why Shane?! Why can’t I hate her?”

Shane-“Because that is the type of person you are.”

Joey-“yeah… Shane?”


Joey-“I love you, I love you so much.”

Shane-“I know.”

Joey fell asleep in my arms and I started to drift off.

*Joey POV*

I woke up by myself. Where was Shane? Did he go and see Lisa without me?! I got up went to the bathroom. Once I washed my hands I looked in the mirror. I looked like a hot mess. My eyes were red and puffy. My face was all red and blotchy. Ugh. I sighed and went to find Shane. He was sitting on the couch and on the coffee table there were two smoothies. I looked at the television and Hunger Games was on. Oh my goodness gracianious! I walked over to the couch and sat next to him. He smiled at me and I grabbed his face. I kissed him and he kissed back. I pulled back but left my forehead touching his.

Joey-“You are the best. Thank-you!”

I gave him a peck on the lips.

Shane-“It’s nothing. I would do anything for you. I love you.”

Joey-“I love you too.”

I snuggled up to Shane and we got comfy and pressed play on the movie. This was so nice! After the movie finished and I picked up my phone.

Joey-“Shooot! Its 7 already?! We haven’t even had dinner!”

Shane-“hahaha well you slept for like ages! We could go out for dinner if you want?”

Joey-“Nah let’s just order a pizza. I’m too ugly to go out tonight… haha”

Shane grabbed my face to make me look at him.

Shane-“you aren’t ugly Joey Graceffaaah. You are handsome and perfect.”

I blushed and he kissed me. We ordered pizza and once it was delivered we ended up watching pretty little liars. 


oh hey! So I wanted to involve Lisa but I don't want her to be a real bad person? If that makes sense? haha But spoiler alert! The next chapter you might find out why Joey is getting so upset easily. And It will also be longer and hopefully I will be able to add in a few more people! I hope ya'll are enjoying this so far! Sorry for any mistakes such as spelling or grammar Im very tired! :))

Byyyyyye C:

Twitter- @tashaSHOTS

Tumblr- littlemissnasha 

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