Chapter Sixteen

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- V A L E R I E -

Demi and I laughed as we replayed the music video. I looked over at the pool. I was suppose to be looking over at the girls, but since Demi and I started watching 'Best Song Ever', Jake went outside to take care of the girls.

"I like Marcel, better than Harry," I joked. Demi laughed as she grabbed a few things. Since Jake was suppose to cook, I told him I'd cook while he took care of the girls. I downloaded the song and the music video on my phone. I grabbed the drinks and we went outside.

I set the things next to the grill and plugged my phone in. I turned on the screen and started playing all the music videos that I had downloaded off iTunes. The first song that came on is "Made In The USA" by Demi. I turned the grill. I wish the boys were here, it would've been a blast.

I started cooking as Demi put out plates. She started singing along and so did and we did crazy things.

- L I A M -

"Alright, you boys ready for today's meet and greet," Paul asked. I nodded and the rest of the boys said yeah. I wonder what the Valerie and her girls were doing back home. I heard girls talking as they walked down the hall. I sighed.

As our fans walked in, one girl caught my eye. Her head hung low. I wondered why though. The girl next to her nudged her and the guy next to her, looked like he didn't even want to be here. 

"Jenny, are you going to go say hi to Liam," the girl asked her. Jenny? The girl looked up a little and it was the girl, who I had followed yesterday. I walked over to her and her friends.

"Hi," I said, trying to start a conversation. 

"Hi," the brunette girl said. "I'm Emily and this is my shy friend Jennifer and her brother Edgar."

"Nice to meet you Edgar. I don't think I've ever seen a girl come with her brother before," I said. He chuckled.

"I was forced to come with my baby sister and her friend," Edgar said. Edgar looked at his sister. "Jenny are you going to say hi, to your husband?"

"Edgar," Jennifer said looked up at him and lightly slapping him. She looked at me, but my face stayed calm and still as if she didn't have her face all brused. "Sorry about my brother." she tried putting her hair in front of her face. "It's nice to meet you Liam and thank you for the follow yesterday."

"So you're the girl, who asked if we were related too," I asked her. She nodded.

"I'm going to the restroom," her brother said. "I'll be back."

"I'm going to chat with other girls," Emily said. We were left all alone, well kind of. 

"No problem and can I ask, what happened to your face," I asked her. 

"You noticed," she said. 

"Yeah, I don't think your brother would be too happy to see that, so why don't you come with me. I think I know a girl who can fix that up for you," I told her. I started walking only to realize that she wasn't following me. "C'mon, don't be shy." 

She began to walk as I led her down the corridor and into Lou's dressing room. I knocked on the door. The door opened and I saw Lou. "Hey Liam. Is there something I can help you with," she asked.

"I was hoping you can do a little something to my friend here," I said. I looked at Jennifer and she looked up. 

Lou gasped. "Oh dear, what happened to you," Lou asked. 

"It's kind of a long story," she said.

"Well come in and maybe you can tell us what happened," Lou said. We walked in and I saw Lux.

"Hey Lux," I said. She smiled as she played with her toys. Jennifer sat down and I sat down on the couch. 

"For a girl who doesn't use makeup, you my lovely girl are beautiful," Lou told her. Jennifer smiled and thanked her. Lou got out a makeup kit out and started picking things out. "So Jennifer. Hope I'm right with the name. Tell me what happened."

She sighed. "Liam, you might want to go back with the boys," Lou said. 

"Right. I'll see you later, so that we can catch up Jennifer," I said. I walked out and went back with the boys.

I signed a few autographs and took pictures before Emily came up to me. "Have you seen Jennifer," she asked.

"Yeah, she went to the bathroom," I lied. 

"Oh, okay," she said. She went over to Edgar. I saw Jennifer come out. She walked over to me and looked at the ground.

She looked up. "Well, can you see anything on my face," she asked. I shook my head. She sighed. "Thanks for the help Liam. I owe you one, but since you're famous. I don't think it's possible."

I chuckled. "It's alright and I'm sure there could be something," I said. She smiled and laughed. "I'll have to think about it though, when I do, I'll message you."

"Alright then-"

"Jenny," Emily screamed. "I've been looking for you everywhere. Liam said you were in the bathroom. Are you okay? Is it that time of the-"

"No," Jenny said. I smirked and laughed. "Not funny. Em I'm fine. I just needed to wash my hands."

"Oh okay, no stand next to Liam. I want to take a picture and then hash tag it with what was trendning yesterday," Emily said. Jennifer stood next to me and I put an arm around her. I smiled as she took a dozen of photos. 

Afterwards she took pictures with the whole group. Doing silly things. Honestly this girl is funny. Thinking of her reminds me of Danielle.

Stop Liam. You guys broke up for a reason. Which was that you guys had different schedules and you guys wouldn't be able to see each other.

- H A R R Y -

After the concert, I decided to call up Valerie. The phone rung a few times, before she answered it.

"Hello," she sounded sleepy.

"Sorry love. Did I wake you up? If you want I'll just call you in the morning," I told her. I heard her sigh. "Well do you want me too?"

"No, don't," she said. "Skype me instead."

"Alright," I told her. I took out my laptop and searched for her contact. I clicked on her name and waited for her to answer the call.

Her face popped up on the screen. "Hey you called me," she asked. 

"Yeah, I was just checking up, seeing how you were doing," I said.

"I'm doing great actually," she said. "I saw the video today."

"Yeah- wait. What video," I asked. I started getting worried and she laughed. "Was it that bad? I honestly don't know what I did."

"Best Song Every video," she said. I sighed in relief. "Why? Did you do something Harry Edward Styles?" I shook my head. "Good. You know. I think I like the Marcel side of you better."

"Really now," I said raising a brow. She bit her lip and nodded. "Well maybe when I come back to Los Angeles, Marcel can take you out on a date."

She smiled and laughed. "Alright Marcel. Whatever you say," she said.

She stayed up the whole time while we drove to another city in Texas. Liam busy on his phone texting someone, Niall eating a snack and Louis talking to Eleanor. Zayn fast asleep. 


Here's another beautiful chapter. Not really beautiul, but yeah. Anyways check out my other story, Our Journey On The X Factor, please.

Don't forget to vote, comment, add to library, etc. You know the rest.

Bye my lovelys. xo


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