Chapter One

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- V A L E R I E -

I finished putting icing on the cake that Demi wanted. I smiled, just looking at it made me want to eat it. I heard the door bell ring and I took off the apron and went to go get it. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Val I think that might be my mom and my sister. Just tell them that I am still getting ready, please." Demi told me.

"Will do Miss. Lovato," I said. I unlocked the door and opened it. I saw Madison and her mother. "Hello Mrs. Lovato or would you rather be called Miss. De La Garza."

"Just call me Dianna, Miss. Reynolds." Miss. De La Garza said, putting her hand out. I took it and shook it.

"Your daughter will be out, she is finishing a few things and will be out in five minutes," I said. "Why don't you guys sit down and I will get you two something to drink."

"Sounds find to me." Madison said, heading towards the kitchen.

"I need to talk to my daughter, but we will be down in a few." she said. I nodded, as she walked up the stairs.

I walked back into the kitchen to find Madison sitting down on the table. "Alright Miss. De la Garza. What would you like to drink tonight." I asked Madison.

"What do you have to drink," she asked. "Because Demi has like a new drink every week."

"Hm, well why don't you come on back and you can choose a drink," I said. "How about that." she got up and followed me to the back. I opened the fridge that held all the drinks.

"Wow, Demi never lets me in the back, where she keeps everything," Madison said. I smiled and she looked through, trying to pick a drink. "I think I'll have-"

The doorbell rung and I looked at Madison. "Were we expecting anyone else?" I asked Madison.

"You're going to eat with us?" she asked.

"Kind of, I still need to, probably after you guys eat. I'm going to get the door, just grab a bottle, take it out and I'll pour some in for you- don't do it yourself, please." I told her. I ran out of the kitchen and to the living room. I cleaned the flour off my suit, before opening the door.

"Hello- oh," I said as I opened it. I saw five boys and I knew exactly who they were, but I've only met the Irish one. "Niall, it's nice to see you again."

"It's nice to see you too Valerie." I gave him a hug.

"Why don't you boys come in-" I heard a glass break and I knew leaving Madison in the alone was a bad choice. I waited for Demi to say something, but I heard nothing.

"Valerie, I need your help." Madison called out. I ran over to the dining room to find glass scattered on the floor.

"Dear, what happened. I told you not to touch anything," I said. I grabbed the broom and started cleaning up the mess, before Demi would find out. I looked at her and I saw something on her hand. "Madison . . . please tell me you're not bleeding."

"I'm not bleeding." she joked. I picked up the glass as I heard the boys come in. I opened the trash can and shoved the glass in the plastic container. I walked over the a cabinet and pulled out a Band-Aid. I grabbed the alcohol and ran back to her.

"Sit down and this might sting a little-"

"Oh gosh!" she said, almost yelling. "It stings really bad."

"No worries, it's just so it won't get infected," I told her. I cleaned the blood up and I put the Band-Aid on her. "See. Now please don't tell your sister, that I left you alone, got it."

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