Chapter Seven

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- H A R R Y -

I heard my name being called out in the distance, but that didn't keep me from sleeping. I shifted my body around, until I found a comfortable place. I relaxed when my name stop being called. I slowly start to sleep again, until my bedroom door swung open.

"Harry," I heard Louis call out. I propped myself up with my elbows and looked at him. I rubbed my eyes with one of my arms. "Harry, did you hear me?"

I nodded my head, wishing I hadn't. "What is it Louis," I asked. "I was trying to sleep. Heard my name being called, but didn't answer because I wanted to sleep. Now tell me Louis, is there something wrong, because you obviously woke me up for a reason."

Louis rose a brow as he shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Liam and Niall are gone," Louis answered to the first question I had asked. "And Zayn doesn't want to be stuck here all day, so we are going to the mall and you are coming with us, so go change and take a bath, because- woe, you smell bad or is it your room?"

"I took a shower when I came back from the hospital and ugh," I responded. "It does smell. I'll clean it up when we get back." Louis smiled and closed the door. My arms were weak and I felt myself fall. I closed my eyes hoping they would leave without me.

"Don't you dare fall back asleep Styles," Louis yelled. I shot back up. I'm awake. Gee wizza. I got up and changed into black skinny jeans, a plaid shirt, and my white Converse. I shook my hair kind of how dogs do it to make it look a little better. I grabbed my phone and walked out of my room.

It was pretty quiet in the house without Niall and not really in tidy order without Liam. I saw Zayn and he smiled. "Finally, we tried calling your name, but you wouldn't wake up," Zayn said. I chuckled. "Lets get going."

"Wait," I said. Zayn halts in his footsteps. "Why is it so argent that we need to go to the mall Zayn?" he stayed quiet. I rose a brow. "Zayn?"

"Harry stop asking questions," Louis told me. "Zayn just needs to get something for someone. No one important."

I smiled. "Alright lets go," I said. Zayn walked out the door and I stopped Louis in his tracks. "Spill it Tomlinson."

Louis sighed and shook his head. "Harry it's Zayn's business, not mine," Louis told me. "Besides, you'll probably find out when we get to the mall."

When we arrived to the mall Zayn was the first one out. He ran towards the door like me running over to flirt with girls. I looked at Louis and he just smiled really big. What's going on? I followed Louis as we walked towards the entrance of the mall. We walked in and so may people were here. Are we having a fan signing?

I spotted Zayn talking to a group of people. "Oh look, it's Niall, Liam, Demi, Perrie, and Valerie," Louis. 

- V A L E R I E -

Demi decied that we go to the mall, after Perrie came. Liam introduced me to her. She seem so nice, but a few girls think that she's ugly and I don't find that true. She's very beautiful. "Hi. I'm Perrie Edwards," Perrie smiled.

"I know who you are," I practically screamed. "You're in a band named, Little Mix, and you're dating Zayn Malik and I probably sound like a stalker- also your birthday is July 10th."

She smiled. "I'm guessing you're a really big fan," she said. I nodded eagerly. 

"You should've seen her face, when she got the call to be working with me," Demi told her. "I heard her screaming on the other side of the phone. I'm glad that you got that phone call and not someone else."

I almost blushed. "We should get going," I said. "Louis called, telling us to meet him at the mall for some reason, and I thought we'd be spending the day at home."

There were so many people at the mall and when they said that the boys would be at the mall, I didn't think we'd be going with them too. But I still didn't get why so many people where here, more like tons of girls. Is there a meet and greet or a fan signing. 

"Demi. Liam. Perrie," I asked. "Are any of you guys doing a meet and greet or a fan signing, because there are tons of girls here."

They all shook their heads and put their shades on. It's really hard trying to go through a crowd of people when you have crutches, I still don't get how I needed them in the first place. 

Finally I made my way out of the crowd and away from those weird girls. I sighed and I hear Perrie's name being called. I turned and saw Zayn coming towards us. "I feel like I've already met you guys before yesterday."

Liam laughed. "Wow," he said. "I thought it was Monday already for some reason. I must be off a few days. Today is Saturday, right?" I nodded my head. "Okay I'm on the right track, so far."

Zayn came up to Perrie and hugged her real tight as he snogged her cheek. "Awe," I said. They looked at me sorry. "Sorry force of habit. I see way to many romance movies."

"Valerie can I talk to you," Zayn asked me as he put Perrie down. I pointed at myself. "Yes you dork." I crutch my way over to him. Not to far away from the group, but someone where, where they couldn't hear us. 

"Did I do something wrong," I asked. He was going to say something, but I interrupted him. "Was it something I did? Cause if so tell me, because I have no clue what I did."

Zayn laughed. "You didn't do anything wrong," Zayn said. I sighed in relief. "I needed to talk to you, because well I needed you to see something with me. You are a girl, so might as well take you with me."

"Why not Demi," I asked.

"Because I need someone to stall Perrie," he answered. He whispered something into my ear and my eyes went wide.

"NO WAY," I almost yelled. "Are you really going to do that." he nodded. "That's a big commitment. But I can't believe you're going to do that. When are you planning to tell her?"

"Probably on her birthday, but I don't think I'd be able to spend time with her," he said. I gave him a confused look. "Managment said we can't bring our girlfriends on tour, but Perrie is touring too and she had a few days off, so I told to come over to hang out, and so that she could meet you."

I smiled. "Well, thank god. That I didn't take the road to fame," I told him. "But please don't mess up, because one mistake can ruin everything. Trust me I've done a mistake before and I regretted it the next day, when I was away from him."

"You mean Harry," Zayn corrected. I nodded. "Well I'll tell Liam that you're coming with me, alright." I nodded my head again and Zayn walked off the group. I heard a bunch of girls scream.

"Oh . . Em . . GEE," one yelled. "IT's HARRY EDWARD STYLES!!!!!" 

"Oh boy," I said. Zayn walked back to me.

"Let's go before we can all get attack," Zayn said. Demi, Liam, Niall, and Perrie zipped up their jackets and put on their hoodies and walked of. Zayn put shades on and I followed him. I had a feeling that Louis is with Harry and they're both, going to be in some big trouble. Because there is a whole bunch of girls screaming their names.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I wanted to make this chater longer, but I couldn't. So do what you guys  always do. Read, add to library, vote comment, fan me and I'll fan you back. Simple as that. I'll try to update another chapter later.

Have a wonderful day. And gues what! .









~ Danielle xoxo

One More Chance (One Direction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें