Chapter Twenty

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- V A L E R I E -

 I take Darcy up to her room. I open the door and see Jade sound asleep. Darcy runs over to her bed. "Mommy, when are you going to tell Harry, that he's my daddy," she asks.

I lick my lips. "I don't know Darcy," I say. "But I promise you it will be soon okay." she nods and I give her a kiss on the forehead. "Good night baby girl." I walk over to Jade and give her a kiss on the forehead too.

I walk out out and close the door to see Harry. "How long have you been standing here," I ask.

"As long as you've been in the room," Harry says. I start to walk and Harry pins me to the wall.

"Dude," I say.

"Is what Darcy said true," Harry asked. I shake my head. "Val, don't lie to me. The boys keep saying she looks like me."

"Harry she isn't your daughter," I bluff. Gosh I gotta stop lying. "If you want we can take a DNA test, but it's not going to prove anything."

"What about Jade? Jade looks like you and Jake combined together. Did you have a one night stand with him," Harry asked. I sigh and roll my eyes at him. Is he seriously asking this question.

"No," I say. "At least Jake gave up being some jock to be my friend. And if you want to know, Jade is Jake's daughter, but Darcy will never be your daughter Harry. Never in million years even if you wanted too."

Harry goes downstairs and I realise that Jake is here. "No Harry wait-" I hear a glass break. "JAKE!" I yell running downstairs. I hear the doorbell ring. Jake or the doorbell. Jake or the doorbell? I kept asking myself. I groan and I quickly run to answer the doorbell.

Are my eyes seeing this right? Is 5 Seconds of Summer actually here, at Demi's house, standing right in front of me. Gosh, I gotta say. Ashton is cute and so are the rest "Is Niall here," Ashton asked. I nod not saying anything few a few seconds.

"N-Niall! Your cute Australian friends are here," I say. They all smile and I blush. Niall comes over and I run back into the living room. I see Harry ontop of Jake. I run over to them. "HARRY! Stop," I say. I try to push Harry off Jake.

"DADDY!" I turn and see Jade. I could have sworn that Jade was asleep upstairs. Maybe my yelling woke her up, let's just hope that Darcy doesn't wake up.

"HARRY GET OFF JAKE! YOU'RE SCARING JADE," I yell. "HARRY PLEASE! STOP!" the tears stream down my face.

"Daddy stop-" Harry pushes Darcy into the table and she screams as she hit her head on the corner. The lamp falls on her right arm and the class cup on her left hand. Harry stops and I feel my whole body numb up.

"D-Darcy," I stutter. "DARCY!" I run over to her seeing blood on the floor. I pick up Darcy in my arms and start to cry. "N-Niall!"

Niall rushes into the living room. "Valerie . . ." I look up at him, my eyes bursting out tears, tears that aren't of joy of course.

Jade runs over to me. "Darcy. Darcy," she keeps shaking Darcy. "Mommy why won't Darcy wake up! Mommy."

I rocked back and forth thinking this is just a dream.

"Val! Val," Niall kept saying. I looked up at him. "Hand Darcy over. I'll take her, you take care of Jake alright." I nod Niall takes Darcy away from me. "Ashton come and help me."

I crawl over to Jake. "J-Jake," I stutter. He looks over at me. "Hey look at me. C'mon Jake I know you can stand up. Come. C'mon lets get you to the hospital."

I help Jake up and we head out.


My hands tremble. With Jake being fine and Darcy in surgery. I just can't stop shaking. Niall comes over to me, "It's going to be fine Valerie. Let's go visit Jake, he's been asking for you. Just don't think about. Darcy is going to come out healthy and alive." I smiles.

I open the door to Jake's room. I see him with Jade. Jade turns and smiles. "Mommy!" I smile. I take a seat next to Jake.

"See, I told you everything would be fine," Niall said. "Now! I'm going to go bring a whole bunch of food for us to eat alright!"

I had no time to argue, before Niall left. I laughed and Jake smiled. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better, but as long as I'm here with my favourite girls. Everything is good and as long as Darcy's operation is going good too," Jake says. I smile. He's such a good guy. Why couldn't Harry be like Jake.


Sorry for such the short chapter guys! I really wanted to update and High School is so hard!!! Anyways don't forget to vote and I'm almost at 1K reads, which is pretty awesome to me, even though this book is almost finish.

Also look out for Just Between Us!! It's going to be a 5 Seconds of Summer fan-fic so that should be fun and also Living Under The Same Roof, that one isn't going to be a fan-fic and I still need to update Just Can't Let Her Go, so yeah. Look out for those stories!!!!

Stay beautiful lovelys!!

~Danielle xx

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