Chapter Twenty-Two

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- V A L E R I E -

I looked out the window. Pouring rain. It makes the mood more like . . I don't know, I can't explain it. I hear a knock on the door. I don't answer. "Valerie," I hear that Australian voice say. "Valerie Reynolds we have to go."

I hear the door open. My head slightly turns to meet Ashton's eyes. He smiles and his dimples remind me of Darcy's. My eyes get watery. "Oh Valerie," he says coming over to me. He embraces me into a hug.

"Why me? Why is my life so horrible Ashton," I say.

I strokes my hair. "Your life isn't horrible," he says. "Sometimes God, does things for a reason. Don't drown so much about Darcy's death. You still have Jade. Don't forget about the other daughter you have. I promise you, that you will realise that this was the best choice for Darcy, instead of putting her through pain... Now let's go, we have a funeral to attend and then I'm going to take you to eat Panda Express, because that stuff is good!"

I laugh. "And she's back. Let's go little girl," he says.

"Ashton, I'm only like 5 months younger than you," I say.

"You're still little to me," he says putting his arm around my shoulder.


Of course they make me speak at the funeral. Ashton comes up with me and just stands to the side. I clear my throat before talking. I look over at Ashton and he nods.

"Well, it was kind of hard to come here. Considering the fact that my daughter passed away," I start off. "I know it's going to be hard on me and I'm only 18 and I had two daughters, but now I only have one. Which I am glad I have. Getting up here and talking about a loved one is really hard. Darcy was only 4 when she died and that's hard to lose a daughter at such a young age. But a close friend of mine told me, that it was the best choice to let go of Darcy, to let go, instead of having her suffer through pain. And something about Panda Express?"

The crowd laughs and so does Ashton. "Oops, wrong thing. That's what I'm going to eat. Anyways, I know my daughter is in a better place now," I say. "Thank you all for coming here."

I grab a handful of dirt and drop it on top of the casket. "Rest in peace my little one," I whisper.

Even a little bit after everyone left, I had came back to put red roses on Darcy's grave. Ashton shoves his hands into his pockets. I got to say, he looks good in a tux. "Thank you for restating what I had told you earlier," he says.

I smile. "Your words did help me a lot," I answer. "Now, let's go get Panda Express, because man I am starving!"


Girls look at me as I stand next to Ashton. "Why are they staring at me," I whisper.

Ashton shrugs his shoulders. "Maybe they're jealous that you're a beautiful girl hanging out with me, Ashton Irwin," Ashton says. I blush at the beautiful part. "Don't worry about it. I will stand up for you if they start yelling at you."

We order our food. When we walk out of Panda Express, the girls ask Ashton for an autograph. "I'll wait in the car for you," I say.

"Good that's where you belong," one of the girl's friend says.

I clear my throat. "Excuse me? You have something to say, say it to my face," I say.

She chuckles. Of course typical blonde. "I say, good that's where you belong in the car far away from Ashton," she says.

I chuckle. "Yeah, you're right, but I think it's the other way around," I punch her in the nose and she starts bleeding. She gasps and so do the rest. I drop my food. I wasn't going to let this girl talks shit about me, not when I just lost my daughter.

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