Chapter Twelve

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- V A L E R I E -

I wrapped the towel around my body and slowly opened the door. I didn't want to wake Liam up and I forgot to bring clothes into the restroom. It was still dark, but I didn't mind. I knew where everything was and it is my room.

I walked into the closet grabbing what I needed. I turned off the lights and headed back into the restroom. I walked in and closed the door. I dropped the towel and started changing into my clothes and what not. After I finished, I let me hair dry and curled it, my foot still hurt when I put pressure on it, but I think I can handle it.

I opened the door and grabbed my towel. I looked up and saw Liam without a shirt. I licked my lips, before he could look up. "Look who's awake before me," Liam said. I was still looking at him. "Uh Valerie?" he snapped his fingers and I stopped daydreaming. 

I smiled and he rose an eyebrow. "Yes I am a-awake b-before y-you- put a shirt on please," I said looked at the floor. I could tell he was smirking. Liam chuckled and I got super red. 

"Oh things I can do to turn you on," Liam said. I looked up at him and rose an eyebrow. "I'm joking Valerie. Maybe." he walked into the restroom and I sighed. I ran my fingers through my soft silk hair. I put my towel in the laundry basket to do later. I put on my navy hi-top Converse on and went to go check on Perrie. 

I slowly opened the door and I heard noises coming from the restroom. I walked over and grabbed her hair as she vomited in the toilet. Once she stopped she cried, before she went at it again. I squatted down and rubbed her back.

It took her five minutes to vomit. I flushed the toilet for her and she washed her mouth. "Val, I don't think I can do this anymore," Perrie said.

"Hey look, you've only been pregnant for. . . ."

"Three months," she said.

"Exactly, look I don't believe in abortion, but this little cutie right here, deserves a life," I told her. "And whether or not, if Zayn isn't going to support you then I will. No matter how are it is, I will be with you every step of the way, until this little boy or girl comes into the world and if you have you're on tour, I'll take care of her or him. Even if it means having to do two jobs at a time. That's what friends are for."

Perrie cried and I wiped her tears. "Thank you so much Valerie," Perrie said hugging. "I don't know where I could be."

"Well you probably would have ran off, if I didn't come in time yesterday," I told her. She laughed. "C'mon let's go make some breakfast. I'm sure the both of you are starving."

It was so quiet around Demi's house. We walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast for all of us. I made pancakes, while Perrie made eggs. I heard someone come into the kitchen, which my head snapped in that direction. I saw Liam and he smirked. I bit my lip and turned around.

"So what are you two girls making," Liam asked as he leaned against the counter with his forearms. 

"Breakfast," Perrie asked Liam. "You want to help us?"

"Sure why not," Liam answered.

"Well then why don't you help me look for the sausage in the freezer," I asked him. He nodded his and head he followed.

I opened the freezer and walked in. "Gosh it's cold in here," Liam said rubbing his arms. I chuckled. "What are you chuckling at Valerie."

"The fact that you're cold and you don't have a shirt on," I said laughing. I took out the sausage and handed it to Liam. 

"So are you going to talk to Harry," Liam asked. I didn't answer. I wasn't sure if I should talk to him. Shouldn't Harry talk to me first? I mean he was the one who yelled at me. "Valerie?"

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