Chapter Fifteen

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- H A R R Y -

I ran my fingers through my hair. We weren't having a conert tonigh, not until Sunday at least. So we hung around Detroit. I stayed in my room with Zayn.

I got on Twitter and tweeted a few fans and did a follow spree. The door swung open and Niall walked in with food. "Hey Niall," Zayn said.

"Ello," Niall said. I got up, keeping my eyes on my phone. I walked over to the table and Paul walked in. 

"Have you guys seen Louis, and Liam," he asked as he put some plates out. I say down and finished a last tweet to Valerie.

I turned my phone off and I looked at Paul. "Liam went with Louis, 'cause Louis went to go buy Eleanor her birthday present," I said. He nodded and I grabbed a salad. I opened it and poured some ranch. Grabbing the fork, I started eating.

"You know, I can't believe we're going to do a music video for our new song," I said. Niall ate a cookie. "I think the fans are actually going to like this new song."

- V A L E R I E -

I got the number off the last person. 865321. "Name please," I asked her.

"Joslyn Hernandez," she said.

"J-o-s- or J-o-s-e," I asked her.

"The first time you said it," Joslyn said. I smiled and wrote it down. The last boy came down and I handed her the mic. 

"You ready," I asked her. She looked nervous, but she smiled and nodded. I handed her the mic and waited for the okay. "You can go up now."

I woke up by the sound of children. I fluttered my eyes open and saw Darcy. "Hey love," I told her. "What's the matter."

She hugged her teddy bear and looked at the ground. "Who's my daddy mum," she asked.  I sat up on my bed and looked at her. "Do I even have a daddy? Jade has a father, which is Jake, but where's my father."

I patted the stop next to me on the bed. I looked at the time. 1:48 A.M. Why is she awake so early? She sat down and I put y arm around her. "You have a father too Darcy," I told her. "That's why you are here. It takes two people to make a baby, but it has to be a boy and a girl . . . You're father is . . ." Crap what am I suppose to say to my 4 year-old. That her father is Harry FREAKING Styles and that he's an interntional world pop star! It never hurts to take a shot.

"You see, you're father is a singer," I told her. She smiled. "But he's always on tour and I really never got the chance to tell him that you were born. In other words meaning. Your father doesn't know that he has a little girl, but he's going to be happy when I tell him. Along with the rest of he boys."

She smiled. "Is my dadddy," it looked like she struggled with the words. She put a finger on her lower lip. She raise her finger up little to the air. "Is he Harry?" I rose an eyebrow at her. "Is my father Harry. The guy you're dating. 'Cause Aunt Perrie, said I look a lot like him. I have his eyes."

I smiled really big, but didn't say anything. She's only 4. She'll forget about it later on. "Yeah, sure," I said. "Let's go with that. Now go back to sleep, alright." I kissed her forehead and she ran off. 

I sighed. What have I done!


Sorry it's such a short chapter, but neh. Anyways, I'm going to post two new stories. One is going to be called, Our Journey On The X Factor and the other is going to be called, Behind The Nerdy Glasses <--- I might change the name on that one though. .-.

Have a lovely day Beauties!!

~ Danielle xx

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