Chapter 20 The Curse of Power

Start from the beginning

“Yea, we’re screwed”

“Not just that”

“Then what?”

“We’re dead”

“Isn’t that the same thing?” I asked.


“How is it not the same?”

“Cause screwed means we have a chance of getting out, dead means, well you know dead. We can’t fight them. They can burn us by just touching us.”

“How do you know that? It could be that girl’s powers”

“Check your legs.” I lifted my pant legs to see third degrees burns all over them. Fuck we are dead.


I had the dream again. God I miss that place. I was so close! So close to see it again. I sighed and opened my eyes. Austin was looking at me. Sadness was in his golden eyes. I tried to smile, but it didn’t feel right. Austin pointed to his eyes and ran his finger down his cheek. I reached for my eyes to feel them wet. Great I was crying in my sleep. Perfect.

It was nothing, just a dream.

I don’t have a good feeling about this. I know Kathy is your stepsister but I don’t want to be locked up again.

Neither do I.

That was it for our conversation because that guy said, “we’re here. Rise and shine everybody”

Schuyler stirred, but that was the only movement they got from us.

“C’mon guys. Up and outta.” Kathy said.

They opened their doors and realized we didn’t move.

“Really you guys are going to do this to us? We’re the good guys. We want to protect you. So we’re going to teach you how to fight, with powers and without. Now get out of the damn car.” The guy said. We didn’t move. He sighed and shut the door and walked away. One down, one left to go. All three of us looked at Kathy, giving her a death stare.

“C’mon Bree, your going to do this now? You use to be so obedient.”

“And look where that gotten me.”

“Bree please, just get out of the car.”

I shook my head. She sighed and slammed the door shut and walk in the direction of the guy went.

“Schuyler hurry. Get in the driver seat and drive!” she started to move towards the front, but this massive wind hit the car and the car started to tip to its sides. Schuyler opened the door and jumped out of the car while Austin and I climbed to the floor and covered our heads. I heard someone yelling, “Damnit that only got one out! Again!” oh I see what they’re doing. While holding Austin hand I close my eyes. All of the sudden the wind started up again but it never fully reached the car. What the hell? Am I doing that?” I don’t care. I just want to go to the cabin. Suddenly I smelled the air of the ocean and the chirp of the birds. I opened my eyes to see us at the cabin. I look over to see Austin green as the grass.

“Whatever you did. Never do it again,” Austin said.

“I don’t even know what I did, but we’re here. At the cabin.” I stood up and walked around. Everything was still how it was. The brown wooden cabin a little off from the cliff hidden by trees and leaves. A campfire pit dead center of the area. To the south was the cliff with Mary Lake in view. To the east was the walk up from the beach below. I went inside the cabin to see it stocked well. Good nobody came here yet, but I will have to make another bed for Austin. Good thing I took woodshop in school and outdoor ed. This should be easy. I grabbed two power bars and the canteen of water out of the cabin. I handed one to Austin.

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