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It was a Friday night, and there I was, curled up in the tiny window seat in Topanga's bakery, reading What Light by Jay Asher. It was simple, heartwarming, and beautiful. The story I wish I lived.

My headphones hummed SafetySuit on shuffle and my knees were pulled up to my chest. My placement beside the front door didn't help with the chilled air flowing in as people came and left, so I draped my large knit cardigan over my chest as a blanket. 

I've been sitting here reading since after school. I did this most nights. I loved the smell of the freshly baked bread and the glow from the moon from the window right above me. The sun was just about to set I was almost done reading the book for the 3rd time.

People came, people left. But somehow, despite the consistent movement around me, I noticed movement from the corner of my eye, catching me off guard. I pulled my headphones down onto my shoulders and smiled when I saw Farkle Minkus waving at me. He was with his usual group of friends in their usual spot. I barely waved in his direction before quickly turning away and putting my headphones back on, continuing to smile to myself.

Time didn't seem to exist when I was in the bakery. After almost 2 hours passed, Katy approached me with a tray full of drinks. I closed my recently finished book and put my headphones at my side. Katy was the waitress, manager and Maya Hart's mom. We knew each other fairly well at this point.

"Hey Ka—" I yawned as I said her name.

"Neveah, someone just wanted me to send you this little gift. Said you seemed cold?" She handed me a plate with a cinnamon roll and a cup of cinnamon hot chocolate.

"Cinnamon?" Whoever sent this knew me well.

"Said it was your favorite," she shrugged.

"Wait, Katy. How much?"

"Already paid for," she winked and walked away. I looked around the bakery but it was mostly empty. It was 15 minutes till closing and the only other person there was Zay Babineaux who was focused on an essay that he was probably writing last minute.

After I finished the roll and hot chocolate, I gathered my things. 9:59PM, time to close.

I usually stayed until closing and walked home around this time because I didn't like the quiet. I prefer to read in loud settings which is the opposite of most people. It makes me feel less lonely.

Before I walked out, I turned to Katy again.

"Hey, who bought the cinnamon roll?" I chuckled nervously. This would be bothering me for the rest of the weekend.

"It's a secret," she smiled, continuing to wipe down the tables.

"I'll find out eventually," I sighed, giving her a knowing look. "Goodnight Katy. Night Zay."

"Goodnight darling," Katy chirped.

"See ya, Neveah," Zay waved, not looking up from his work.

The following Monday, I stood in front of my open locker trying to find the bag of cinnamon hearts that Riley Matthews gave me last week. She gave a tiny bag to every student in our class. Valentine's Day wasn't for 2 weeks but I wasn't complaining. I loved anything cinnamon-flavored.

The bell rang throughout the halls, indicating that class was starting.

"Damn it," I mumbled. Still couldn't find the cinnamon hearts. I grabbed my books and slammed my locker door, struggling to hold everything. Mr Matthews' history class was on the other side of the school so I always had to rush in the morning. I was usually late and he was more relaxed than most teachers, so it wasn't my biggest concern.

"Neveah, you're late again," Matthews mumbled. He was writing on the board and didn't even have to turn to know it was me.

"Don't act surprised, Matthews," I snickered, in which Mr Matthews responded with chuckle. "But, I'm really sorry...again."

I awkwardly shuffled by the narrow rows of desks, making my way to my seat behind Farkle.


"Farkle," I nodded.

Farkle Minkus. He was a know-it-all. The whole school seemed to hate him besides his only 3 friends. Most people thought he was annoying and conceited, so I tried my best to be nice to him. 

We have this ongoing exchange that started about a year ago. It was simple, but rewarding. Every time we passed one another, we just say each other's names. Sort of like letting each other know that we're acknowledging the other person. 

My friend, Sarah, hated when we'd do it. 
"That's lame. Don't, Neveah. He might start to think that you're friends."
And I'd say something like, "What's wrong with that?"

But Sarah didn't know that I've had a crush on Farkle for 6 years.

I'd see the eye rolls and annoyed sighs whenever he'd speak in class or simply walk down the hall with confidence, but I thought it was admirable. I didn't understand how so many people disliked him, and the fact that he was best friends with the 3 most popular kids at our school obviously meant he was worth talking to. 

Everyone knew Farkle Minkus and everyone always wanted to know what he was doing whether they liked him or not. Maybe people knew my name too, but it's not like they cared about who I was. I was just the girl who was always late for History class.

"Ugh Dad, I already know what this lesson is going to be about," Riley whined, burying her head in her arms. I still don't get how her dad is our teacher. I thought that wasn't allowed. But Riley Matthews' life did make History class a lot less boring.

A few desks away, I saw Yogi pop a piece of cinnamon gum out of his pocket.

"Yogi," I whisper-shouted. "Yogi!"

"No, Neveah. You always finish my cinnamon gum!" he whisper-shouted back. I slumped back in my chair and sighed.

"Someone's really into cinnamon, Farkle simpered.

"I can't function without it," I lifted my head, sitting up straighter so I could properly speak to boy sitting in front of me.

"Me with C8H10N4O2," He nodded in comprehension.


"Caffeine," he laughed and reached into his pcoket, taking out a back of cinnamon hearts. It was probably the one Riley gave out last week. His looked untouched, meanwhile the one I lost in my locker was almost empty. "I knew you'd probably ask Yogi for gum again so I came prepared," he slid the bag towards me.

"Thanks Minkus," I said shyly, gently tugging at the wrist of his hoodie, making him smile. We turned our attention back to the lesson.

From across the room, I could feel Sarah glaring at me. As expected, my phone buzzed with a text from her.

You should really stop being so friendly with that loser.


He's annoying. Don't want him around.

I looked up from my screen, seeing Sarah still staring me down, shaking her head in aggravation.

The class was dismissed by the school bell, and students spilled out into the halls. 

"Farkle," I said promptly, passing by him. He was waiting to Lucas Friar.

"Neveah," he spoke, making my heart flutter. I hated that feeling. A stupid crush had such a large impact on me, and Farkle didn't even have to try.

"Neveah," someone else repeated, but with a much different tone. I sped up a bit, knowing it was Sarah. I was sick of her telling me what to do. 

I actually liked Farkle's company.

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