Chapter 35

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Chapter 35


I sighed as Craig parked in front of J.L’s home. We sat for a moment, in silence. “Look, Craig… I know you’ve been stressed lately, and me hanging with Rayan hasn’t been helping… But, I just want to thank you for trusting me. You know I love you entirely too much to let you go,” I spoke. He sighed. “Yeah, I know,” he nonchalantly spoke. “I know today hasn’t been the best, but we’re going to have fun tonight, okay?” I spoke. He nodded, looking down. “Come on, give me a kiss,” I smiled before puckering my lips. He smiled slightly before pecking them with his. “I love you,” I smiled. “I love you too,” he softly replied.

Craig’s mother didn’t show. He doesn’t blame her though. Maybe a flight was delayed. After all, it is a lot of people trying to get home this week. We eventually got out of the car and walked into the party together, hand in hand. “Yo! You guys made it!” J.L spoke while approaching us. We smiled as he gave Craig dap and gave me a hug. “You look great tonight, Alix,” he smiled at me. “Thanks,” I smiled back. It seems like J.L is the only one outside of our clique who respects me, and I really like that about him. “Well, the food’s over there, and you guys are free to go on the rooftop for a bit of privacy,” he spoke. “Thanks, J.L,” Craig and I spoke in unison before he left us to our own company… We grabbed a cup of alcohol each and began dancing. I could tell his mind was somewhere else as he pulled me closer to him. “Are you okay?” I asked. “I’m fine, Baby,” he assured me before going to get another drink.

While he was gone, I spotted Rayan. His eyes searched the room before his eyes met mine and he smiled. He approached me, maneuvering through the crowd of dancing couples. He hugged me, his arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me close to him. We rocked side to side before he kissed my forehead. “You look great,” he smiled, pulling back with his hands still on my hips. “Thanks,” I smiled slightly. “We’re matching,” he looked at me up and down. It was true. I had on a royal blue mini dress with black stilettos while he had on dark jeans and a royal blue wrangler shirt. “I thought you would try to keep warm for me,” I spoke. “I’m warm enough,” he smirked. I laughed nervously as his grip on my hips tightened a bit as he pulled me close. “Come on. Let’s dance,” he spoke into my ear. I placed my hands on his shoulders, making sure we kept our distance. My eyes searched for Craig, but couldn’t find him. “Where the hell did he go?” I thought. Rayan spoke into my ear. “You seem concerned about something,” he spoke. “No, I just can’t find Craig… He was here just a minute ago,” I replied. “I’m sure he’s fine,” he assured me, his hands sliding down slightly. I tensed up a bit while looking down. “Relax… It’s me. Rayan. Remember? I’m not going to hurt you, Alix,” he cooed into my ear. I then realized how close he had me. My body was only a few centimeters away from his. I pulled away, telling him that I was going to get a drink.

While walking, I noticed Craig drinking cup after cup after cup. My eyebrows furrowed as he finished off his drink. “Craig, slow down, Baby,” I told him. “What for? I’m having fun, Baby. That’s what we came here for, right?” he smiled. “Yeah, but I just think--.” “I’m fine, Alix. For real, Baby, I am. Go dance with your little friend,” he motioned toward Rayan who was staring at us and waiting for me to come back to him. “Craig. Just… Just come and get me when you need me, okay?” I told him. “I gotchu,” he spoke before refilling his cup. I sighed before grabbing a cup for myself and heading back over to Rayan. He smiled while pulling me close again. I glanced back over toward Craig who chugged at least two more cups before heading up some stairs. I pulled away from Rayan and told him to go get a cup of water and meet me on the rooftop. He nodded before I went up the stairs. I was soon stopped by Zendaya. I sighed, not really wanting to speak to her. “Hey, Alix. Have you seen Rayan?” she asked. “Haven’t seen him,” I shrugged before continuing toward the rooftop.

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