Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


I lay on my back as she did on her stomach. The words she uttered made my heart sink as I stared at her. “You’re not irrelevant. You mean the world to me. And so what if I’m the only one who cares about you? At least you have one person who even gives a fuck. No one wants you? But I’m right here. I want you. Fuck everyone else. Fuck---.” I interrupted my on-going thoughts. “Alix?” I spoke to catch her attention. She opened her eyes. “Is that genuinely how you feel?” I asked. “Yeah,” she nodded. We stared into each other’s eyes.

“Why?” I asked. She sighed. “I just feel so fucking different around everyone that isn’t you… They all can tell something’s wrong with me. They see right through me. They see the cuts. They see that I leave reality. They see something isn’t right with me. And because of it, they distance themselves away from me. They make me feel different. I was normal once too, Craig. I was n-normal,” she spoke, tears beginning to surface. I took her hand into mine and examined her cuts. I glanced up into her eyes before first kissing the cut closest to her hand, on her wrists. I could feel her shaking as tears ran down her cheeks.

I continued kissing the cuts, hoping to ease the pain that she was feeling. I kissed every single cut twice before taking her other hand into mine and repeating the cycle I was creating. Once done, I looked into her eyes and wiped her tears. “Promise me you’ll stop doing this, okay?” I spoke before she nodded. I kissed her forehead while pulling her closer to me. Her head rested upon my chest just as we began to doze. “Craig?” she mumbled, half asleep. “Hm?” I raised both my eyebrows without opening my eyes. “Why do you even care about me?” she asked. “Because you're the only one who knows me,” I answered nonchalantly. With that, I drifted to sleep.



I awakened entangled in my bed sheets after a night of self-satisfaction. I yawned and stretched as the sunlight poured into my room. I sighed and hopped into the shower. After throwing on some clothes, I sat at the foot of my bed and got on my laptop. After being on for a few minutes, I received a request for video chat from Princemisfit. I quickly accepted, a slight smile appearing onto my face. “Hey, J.” he greeted. “Hey, Curly,” I greeted back. “I couldn’t sleep at all last night,” he sighed. “Why not?” I inquired. “I was thinking about you. And the fact that I couldn’t call you---.” “Why couldn’t you call me?” I asked. “Nana took my phone,” he groaned. I sighed. “Damn.” “I know… But, I’ll be over there as soon as I can, okay?” he smiled. “Okay, Misfit,” I smiled slightly.

“So… did you do anything last night?” he asked, yawning adorably. “I didn’t do anything much,” I bit my lip. “Mhm… Try to hang with Prod and everybody. They’ll keep you company,” he suggested. “Okay, I guess,” I sighed. “ I wish I could stay a little longer, but I have to go. My cousin’s coming today,” he informed me. “Oh… Have fun,” I spoke. “I’ll try,” he smirked. “I love you,” I smiled. “I love you too,” he blew me a kiss before ending the chat.

I closed my laptop before making my bed and leaving the house. I headed over toward Prod’s house, where everyone usually meets up, but it seemed as though no one was there for once. “Oh, well,” I shrugged before beginning to return home. What now?.... Blunt.



I lazily got dressed and headed into the family room. Everyone was glowing like they were pregnant or some shit. It’s like 8 am. How the fuck can you be happy-go-lucky at this time of day? “Jacob, come eat,” Nana patted my back. I sat at the table, in front of the hot, home-cooked meal. It’s been so long since I’ve received a meal like this that I kind of don’t even want it. I just stared at the grits and bacon with scrambled eggs on the side. “Do you want some buttermilk pancakes?” Nana asked. “No ma’am,” I shook my head. “Here, get some pancakes,” she laid the pancakes onto my plate anyway.

I began eating, my tastebuds jumping for joy. I haven’t had a meal like this in forever… I finished the plate within a matter of five minutes. “Do you want a second plate?” Nana laughed. I nodded with a slight smile. She filled my plate with more food as her doorbell rang. “I got it,” Nana called after giving me my plate. She nearly dashed to the door as I began grubbing again.

I stopped once a teenage girl about my age stood before me. “Jacob… This is Bella,” Nana smiled. I looked up at her, my mouth full with grits. I nodded to her as she waved a small wave. “She’s your cousin,” Nana spoke as I was swallowing, causing the grits to go down the wrong pipe. I drank my orange juice to ease my choking before questioning what she said. “What?” I asked. “This is your cousin. The one I told you about,” she reminded me.

 I’m sharing a room with a girl?! I mean, I’ve done it before with Justine, but it wasn’t for a whole summer! “I’ll leave you two to get acquainted,” Nana sat Bella down before making another plate of food. “Nana, I already ate,” Bella smiled. “Really?” Nana inquired. “Yes, Ma’am,” Bella nodded in response.  “Are you sure that you don’t want nothin’ to eat?” Nana asked. Bella nodded again. “Oh, okay…” Nana spoke before leaving the eating area.

“How do you keep her from doing stuff?” I asked Bella. “What do you mean?” she asked. “She asked me if I wanted pancakes, and I said no. She gave them to me anyway,” I spoke. “Oh, I don’t know… Maybe because you’re a rich kid, and she knows you haven’t had a decent meal in a while,” she answered with a smirk. “True…” I nodded continuing to sip my orange juice.

She giggled. “What?” I asked. “Why do you hold your drink like that?” she laughed. “Like, what?” I asked. “Your pinky’s up,” she laughed. I smiled slightly before I set my drink down and joined her in a laugh. This stay in the South may not be as bad as I thought.



I awakened to a text from Chresanto. It was like one big paragraph. Just having awakened, my brain’s not ready for long essays in text formation. Just as I was about to put my phone down, a received a text from Rayan. “Good morning, Daya,” it read with a kissy-face emoji. I blushed, sitting up in bed. “Good morning,” I sent back with the blushing emoji.

“How’d you sleep?” “Like usual,” I sent back. “What’s ‘like usual’?” he asked. “… What’s your usual?” I asked. “Lonely,” he sent along with the emoji with the “bitch, please” look. “Exactly,” I sent. “What are you doing today?” he asked. “Nothing,” I replied. “Let’s chill.”

I smiled broadly. I wanted to started fangirling, but I didn’t want him waiting too long for a reply. “Sure,” I finally sent to him. “I’ll see you later then,” he sent with a winky face. I grinned at my phone before hopping out of bed and taking a shower. I got dressed in what I usually do. Skinny jeans, snapback, crew neck, and high tops. I grabbed my skateboard and headed downstairs.

I got all the way to the front door this time, but as usual, I was halted. “Zendaya… We need to talk to you,” my mother spoke. “Well, can it wait? I have to--.” “It’s important,” my father interrupted me. I sighed as they led me into the dining room and sat me down. “Can we just get to point? I’m kind of in a hurry,” I spoke, laying my skateboard on my lap.

“Okay, well… Your father and I are… getting a divorce,” my mother spoke quietly. They looked at me for several moments before I actually kind of grasped what I was hearing. “You what?” I asked in disbelief. 

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