Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


I sighed after Chres left. I took a seat on the floor of my kitchen. Does he not love me the way he says he does? If he loved me, he would’ve been trying to fuck me instead of that fucking homie hopper. I grew angry all over again as thoughts rushed into my mind. I needed to call Rayan and inform him of his triflin’ ass girlfriend. I did just that, waiting for him to answer. “Hey, Imani” he whispered into the phone. “Hey, Ray. Is Zendaya around?” I asked. “Yeah. She’s right here, sleeping. Do you want me to get her--.” “No, that won’t be necessary,” I told him. “Well, what’s up?” he asked. “Rayan… I have something very important to tell you,” I spoke. “Go ahead and say it,” he whispered. I took a deep breath before speaking. “Chres and Z. fucked at the party last night. That’s why they took so long to get back to us,” I informed him. “Haha, very funny, Imani,” he chuckled softly. “Yeah, it’s funny until you realize that it’s true,” I spoke. He paused. “She… she wouldn’t do that… She knows how much I love her,” he finally responded. “Ask her and see if she tells you the truth,” I spoke. “Fine,” he spoke as if it were no challenge. “Okay… I’ll see you on Monday,” I finally said before hanging up the phone. I sighed before the doorbell rang. I got up and walked toward the front door. I opened it to witness Chresanto… again.

I sighed while rolling my eyes. “What do you want?” I asked. “May I come in?” he asked, not looking at me. “For what? So, you can give me more bad news?” I asked. “Please, Imani,” he spoke quietly. I groaned and reluctantly stood back so he could walk in. He walked in and closed the door behind himself as I faced away from him while running my fingers through my hair. I turned toward him, seeing his puffy, red eyes. He stared into my eyes, his eyes having a certain emptiness in them. They weren’t like they usually are. It’s always some type of happiness in them, but he seemed bland. It was like the life was sucked out of him. He slowly blinked before pulling me close to him. He stared into my eyes with sadness in his. I tried to push him away, but he had a grip on me that was entirely too tight. “Get off me, Chresanto!” I shouted. He continued to stare at me, seeming unmoved by my screaming. He caressed my cheek, his hand shaking uncontrollably. “I’m sorry,” his eyebrows knitted as he croaked out his words.

His lips attacked mine, his hand sliding down my neck and against my shoulder, slipping the strap of my casual dress off. “Chres, stop,” I mumbled, his lips refusing to be detached from mine. He slipped the other strap off before wrapping his arms around me and beginning to pull my dress down from my body. “Chres… stop,” I moaned softly, my knees slowly becoming weak. My dress became a puddle of fabric at my feet as he picked me up. “No, put me the fuck down!” I shouted, beginning to kick. He looked at me with sad eyes before putting me down. “Don’t just roll up in here with puppy dog eyes, thinking that I’ll take you back after having sex with you… Besides, why would I want something that’s been all up and through a homie hopper?” I set him straight. He looked down again. “What can I do to gain your trust again? What can I do to show you that I love you?” he asked, looking up with watery eyes. “Cut the water works, Chres. You’re never gaining my trust again… And you shouldn’t be asking me what to do when you should already know what to do… You told me you loved me, but you didn’t show me. And the only time you showed me was in private. You’d show up when I called you. You’d bring movies and chocolate. I got the blankets and the sodas… But, that’s not love… that’s being a friend,” I spoke. “That has to count for something, right?” he asked. “Yeah, it counts as you caring about me, but not as you loving me,” I sighed. “What are you saying?” he asked. “I’m saying that… maybe, we should just stay as friends,” I quietly spoke. “No, Imani… We can… We can work this out,” he looked into my eyes and reached for my hand. “No, Chres. Leave me the fuck alone!” I screamed. His eyebrows furrowed at me before he sat on the floor, his back against the back of the sofa. “I’m not leaving,” he spoke simplistically, looking up at me with his puffy eyes.

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