Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Zendaya sat, caught off guard by her mother’s words. All these years, Zendaya’s has prepared herself for this moment, but she had never thought it would actually happen. She had hoped that they’d wait until she was, at least, eighteen years old before they signed those divorce papers. Happy Early Birthday, Zendaya.

 “You what?” she asked, her heart shattering. “We’re divor—Wait, Zendaya,” her mother halted her from storming out the room. “This is one sick joke you two are playing! I mean, come on! Eighteen years of this marriage… of this bullshit! You two just, out of the blue, decide to divorce?! I knew you two were low, but I never expected this,” Zendaya grew livid. “Watch who you’re talking to, little gir--.” “Or what, Lisa? You two are just going to cage me in here like an animal? You’re going to lock me in my room and throw away the key because you ‘know what’s best for me’? You’re going to keep me from my friends and raise me to have no social life just because you don’t want me with ‘the wrong crowd’? Well, just in case you were too stupid to realize this, Lisa and John… I am the wrong crowd, and they’re the only family I need! Fuck you!” She screamed before storming out, slamming the front door behind her. She skateboarded, fighting back tears all the way to the boardwalk.

Zendaya wasn’t the only one giving bitter goodbyes. Rayan was assisting his mother with loading her luggage into a limousine. “I know I said that I would stay for a week, but--.” “Yeah, I know, Ma. It’s okay. Really, it’s fine. Have a good trip and call me when you land,” he spoke, giving her a final hug. Keisha, Rayan’s mother, kissed his cheek once more with a slight smile.

“I love you, Baby boy,” she spoke quietly while stroking his untamed hair. “I love you too, Ma,” he sighed, restricting his tears from falling. They held onto one another for a little longer before Keisha hopped in the limo and disappeared down the pathway and out of sight.

Once Keisha was gone, his sanity was too. He sat on the steps of his wide, all white porch and bawled until the tears stopped falling… It was sunset by then, and all he really wanted was someone’s company. “Week-long break, she said. Two nights and three days, she stayed,” he sniffled, looking at the sherbet horizon.

After a moment of silence, his phone received a text message from Zendaya who was yearning for a shoulder to cry on. But, Rayan, being as though he didn’t even glimpse at his phone, didn’t reply to her request for him to meet her at the beach.

As the sun was setting in Cali, the stars were twinkling in Georgia where Jacob was bonding with his cousin. Bella and Jacob were laying on their backs, in the grass after a day-long session of play. They compared and contrasted lifestyles and shared laughs and jokes. They talked about friends and school and how they think anything beyond basic algebra is a waste of time, breath, money, and paper. They also conversed about their hopes and dreams… and college. “People would talk about each other and get caught up in he-say, she-say while I was just over trying to grab one of them scholarships to get into college… I got one! For my writing skills, but… I’m just kind of terrified of college! Alcohol every night and--.” Her speaking halted when a laugh slipped from Jacob’s lips.  

“What?” she asked, a small smile plastered on her face. “Drinking every night? That sounds like home to me,” he spoke. “But, you guys are minors!” Bella shouted, frustrated with the fact that rich kids get alcohol like it’s nothing. “Well, I mean, our parents are gone, and the maids just do their jobs and go home,” Jacob half-shrugged. “I don’t know why, but that makes me extremely angry,” she laughed. “You don’t seem angry,” he smirked. “Well, I am,” she continued laughing.

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