Chapter 16: There's no us.

Start from the beginning

''Wait.. What are you saying here? Jasmine, me and you we are perfect together, we belong together if there is someone else out there then I'll fight them, I'm not letting you go.'' He stood up, slowly walked towards me placing his hands on my shoulders.

''There's no ''We'' and there's no ''Us'' we are two different people with different lives, we aren't perfect together we never have been and we never will be. You deserve someone so much better than me, someone who won't break your heart and someone who can make you a lot happier than I ever could. Roman, I will always love you and you will always be in my heart but I can't do this anymore, I need you to understand that.'' I felt the tears roll down my cheeks, I just wanted the ground to form into a hole and swallow me up.

''No one can ever replace you, I have to respect that you want your space but just remember this I will always love you, you will always have a place in my heart and I will fight for you. I don't care who I have to go through, but I will fight to get you back I will get you back, believe that.'' He placed his hands on my cheeks and wiped away my tears but they kept on falling down my cheeks. A sob escaped from my mouth I tried to hold it in but I couldn't, Roman pecked me on the lips, that peck turned into our very last kiss. 

We kissed for five minutes but I finally pulled away and walked towards the door, I took one last look at this amazing guy with tears rolling down his cheeks. I ran out of the room slamming the door on my way out, I didn't know where to go, I didn't know who I could talk to. Tonight The Authority will be telling the whole world that I've joined them and everyone will hate me, this is all of the contract's fault.


Everyone's pretty excited for tonight's show everyone but me, I've seen Paige walking around with Alicia Fox her new best friend. Today I felt like the invisible one, Dean's been giving me these dirty looks which I probably deserve, Randy isn't here tonight. I just wanted to go back to when I was wrestling for the indy shows, why did I sign up to this? I was disturbed from my thoughts when I heard The Authority's music play, the crowd started to boo they'll probably boo me in a few minutes. I walked to the gorilla, I was ready to get called out but of course Stephanie and Hunter had to do the talking.

''Welcome to.... MONDAY NIGHT RAW! What a night we have for you guys tonight, we have The Lunatic Fringe Dean Ambrose VS John Cena, The Usos VS The New Day, Paige VS Nikki Bella and your main event The WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins VS Roman Reigns!'' Stephanie said into the microphone, the fans cheered as their favourite wrestlers were called out, I must admit those sounded like good matches.

''That's right Steph, but first let's talk about business, The Authority has been a powerful group for a long time we have Kane, The Big Show, J&J Security and of course the man, the architect, The WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins. That's not enough though, I feel like we need to be more powerful, we need to add some more girl power to this group. Which is why we are out here tonight, we are here to announce the newest member of The Authority. Ladies and Gentleman please welcome.... Jasmine Orton!'' Triple H exclaimed very loudly into the microphone, my music started to play I walked out to the fans booing me. I looked around with a big smirk on my face, walked towards the ring, Seth put his foot on the rope and I climbed inside. Stephanie gave me a microphone I smiled and thanked her then turned to look at the crowd, laughing into the microphone.

''You guys can boo me all you want, You guys can act like you understand me but the thing is you don't understand me, in fact you don't know the real me. I know that you are all expecting an answer from me, but the truth is I don't have one and I never will have an answer. The old Jasmine Orton died a very long time ago, this is a new and improved Jasmine Orton. Actually my name isn't Jasmine Orton anymore, you can all call me.... HARLEY SCARLET! I am here to prove to the world that I can become the next WWE Divas Champion, believe that.'' I gave the microphone back to Hunter who had a big grin on his face as I went to go stand next to Seth. 

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