Extra: List of characters

Start from the beginning

Kaede:  a Japanese grease-monkey, he works in the garages of the community, where Jodi used to work, fixing up the vehicles that are brought to him. Kaede is permanently wheelchair bound, after his leg was paralysed in an attack from Vampyres.

Anjali: a kitchen cook, sister to Anisha and partner to Nick.

Anisha: A kitchen cook, sister to Anjali.  Both are Indian.

Nicholas: aka, Nick Irish redhead. Like Richard, Nick is a strongman. He’s also in a relationship with Anjali.

Hari: a doctor in the community, as well as being a regular scouter looking for live humans. He’s Indian, and is very much attracted to Anisha.

Akito: the other doctor in the community. He’s Japanese, and works closely in partnership with Dr Hari. Akito is not in a romantic relationship with anyone, and prefers not to go on souting expeditions like Hari, although he did go once with patricia and so found Jamal and Iqbal.

Patricia: a former Biologist. She’s responsible for the bioluminescent mushrooms that light up the entrance of the Rock. She’s mother to three kids – Sebastian, Ariel and Eleanor.

Sebastion: one of the children of the community. Patricia’s eldest. This isn’t in the story, but Sebastion has a desperate, but one-sided crush on Anu. Blonde, blued eyed 15-year old.

Ariel: the middle child of Patricia’s children. Blonde, brown eyed girl

Eleanor: Patricia’s youngest child. Blonde, blue eyed girl

Sara: the community seamstress. She uses scraps of fabric and anything brought to her to make fresh clothes for the community. An intelligent woman of African descent.

Anu : Sara’s teenage daughter.

Jamal: a young child, rescued from a Muslim orphanage in Darwin.

Iqbal: Jamal’s friend, also rescued from the same orphanage.

Beatrice: a Chinese literature student. She’s responsible for the community Library, having brought many of the books that a found there.

PangZhu: Beatrice’s best friend. Like Beatrice she was a Chinese literature student and had rescued many of the book found in the community library. Both Beatrice and PangZhu work closely with Jake.

Marianne: one of the older women in the community, and is a talented carpenter. She makes most of the furniture for the community and has a fondness for playing cards in her room.

Angela: marianne’s apprentice. Angela has a sister, Rochelle.

Rochelle: Angela’s sister. Rochelle was a landscaper before the apocalypse. She works with Hannah to maintain the meadow in Uluru.

Hannah: rochelle’s partner and best friend. Hannah used to be a farmer, and works in the farm in the meadow. She often organises helpers (usually strongmen) to help her sow, water, and harvest.

Could it be that this is just the community members? Woah – way too many. Better incorporate them in the rest of the story somehow. Or at least mention them

Characters from the regiment (in order of appearance)

·         I’ve added extra information that may or may not be included in the story for some of the characters here – to make up for not mentioning some of them.

Sheila: the unspoken leader of the regiment. She may seem a sweet old lady with an unusual fondness for combat boots, but believe you me, defy her at your own peril. Sheila is the mother of Damien and was at the regiment visiting her husband when the apocalypse happened. Her late husband and parents were also in the military which is where she got her strong demeanor.

Steven: Steven usually goes on water trips with Damien. He’s tall, muscular and bald with a huge tattoo running up and down his arm. Although Steven is a good ten years older than Damien, the two are very close.

Marge: one of the few women at the regiment. A former female soldier, she was strong and powerful, as well as intuitive, especially about relationships.  Marge dies in this story, killed by vampyres. Jodi and Damien are witnesses.

Jason: an intelligent man, Jason is one of the smartest amongst the regiment groups. Originally he had joined the army with the plan of entering a government sponsored University course after the first few year of service, but after entering, his intelligence had caused him to climb through the ranks quickly. The only reason Jason is not the leader of the regiment is because Jason sees himself as a scholar and not a leader.

Seth: Jason’s partner. They work well together, Seth being the brawn of the two. Seth and Jason are the same age and had both entered the army the same year. Their first year they shared a bunker room, quickly becoming fast friends during late night card games with their roommates.

Laurie: blonde, scarred. Laurie is the only other woman in the base. Laurie got her scar when her vampire-turned husband attacked her and her children and she killed him. She’s not involved with anyone, because she’s still in love with him. for more insight on laurie from before the apocalypse see my other book cafe reading - story two; boundaries, (and eventually story three when i get to it)

Cory: Cory is a strangely dangerous figure in the regiment, simply because he’s happy-go-lucky by nature, but merciless when he fights. Cory is genuine when in the presence of friends acting mostly like an overgrown teenage boy, however he’s a powerful opponent on the battlefield. When Cory was a teenager he’d fallen into bad company and learned fist fighting in the local gang, beating up strangers and looting local stores. he didn't stop his younger sister committed suicide after a long bout of depression when he was seventeen. His parents then forced him into military school after hushing up his past and he graduated with honours and joined the army. The next year was the apocalypse.

 Cody: Cory's fraternal twin .the two were  not close, Cody being a big believer in justice didn't approve of Cory's wayward wave. The two fell into a rutt when their younger sister committed suicide. Cody joined the military academy a year after Cory did.

Turk: actual name: Ezekiel. But no one calls him that. He's cody partner and best friend.

 Other characters:

Dr Matthews: aka Dr M, Jodi's and Jake's father and husband of Mona. Never a truly strong person, but he was a genius. his inventions reshaped australia.  Died on the day of the apocalypse.

Mona Matthews: wife of Dr Matthews.

Dr Jonas: Dr Matthews' partner.

Grandma Matthews:  first name: unknown. Dr Matthews' mother and a strong ex-militant. Took care of Jodi and Jake after the apocalypse. Died at the beginning of the story.

Aaron: Laurie's husband and Dr Matthew's informal assistant. He was present during the events leading to the apocalypse

this is all the characters so far. I'll add more as I mention them because I don't want to make anything too confusing. i think i like the soldiers better than the community because they have a bit more depth. maybe a little later i'll create a deeper story for the community characters later. who's your favourite character? Besides Jodi, mine would be Cory. and Laurie - i've got amazing things planned for laurie.

(oh dear she hinted at something happening to laurie! what could it be?) sorry guys tha will have to wait a while. first .. on with the story!

keep being the best fans ever!


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