Chapter 1: Easter 1991

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The year was 1991, the day was March 31st, which was Easter Sunday in a town in the state of California named Santa Ynez, which was from Los Angeles, there was a place that had a lot size over a hundred million square feet with 2,700 acres. In it, there was a house that was nearly 13,000 square feet with five bedrooms and eight bathrooms, it also had manicured gardens, a lagoon-style pool, a tennis court that could light up, a tennis pavilion/pool house, three guest homes, a movie theater and a dance studio, barns, facilities for staff and also, it had a garage that held up to five cars, it also had rides that were usually seen at a carnival like the Zipper ride, a slide, a carousel, chair swing, ferris wheel, a viking ship known as the sea dragon and a ride that is called the spider. The place was called Neverland Valley Ranch.

In the master bedroom of the house, there was a man around 32 with long black curly hair asleep in the bed, the man in question is Michael Jackson who is one of the best singers in the world and he's also known as the King of Pop. He had been singing since he was five, he had brown eyes that were closed because he was asleep.

He heard the door to his bedroom open and it woke him up, he looked at the doorway and standing there was a 10 year old boy walking into Michael's bedroom, the young boy looked identical to Michael, he had his eyes and similar cheekbones, he also had long curly hair, the boy's name was Cameron Jackson and he is the son of Michael. He was wearing a blue short sleeve button down shirt, black slacks and black loafers.

"Sorry, dad. Did i wake you up?" Cameron asked.

"No, you're good." Michael told him.

"Happy Easter, dad." Cameron greeted.

"Happy Easter to you too, Cam." Michael responded, giving him a one arm hug. "I can tell you're already ready for the day."

"I've been ready since i woke up." Cameron said.

"I probably haven't asked this yet, but what are we gonna do for this year's easter?" Cameron wondered.

"Well, we're going to have an egg hunt today." Michael answered. "Kids that we know really well and a friend of ours, Brett Barnes will be coming to join in on the easter egg hunt."

"Sounds good to me." Cameron stated. "When do you think you will be finished with your new album?"

"Sometime in October and in case i forgot to tell you what the name of the album title was, it's going to be called Dangerous and Sony is hoping for a late November release with the song Black or White being the first single of the album to be released." Michael told him, previously, the singer was with CBS records, but CBS sold it's record company to Sony three years prior and earlier in 1991, it was renamed Sony Music Entertainment.

Michael then got up, made his bed and changed from his pajamas to a long sleeved red button down shirt, t-shirt, slacks, white socks and loafers. Michael frequently wore long sleeves to hide his Vitiligo, which is a skin disorder that damaged the pigmentation of his skin and Cameron also had Vitilgo, but unlike his father, he took it in stride because he wore short sleeves and Michael was proud of his son for having confidence in himself even though they both had Vitiligo.

Hours later, after Michael and Cameron both finished breakfast Brett and some kids that Michael invited arrived at neverland and were given some egg baskets.

"Does anyone know how many eggs are there going to be?" Michael asked.

"Forty five eggs and there'll be special prizes and some of those are going to be a trip to Bermuda and a trip to Disney World and whoever finds the golden egg will get the biggest prize." One of the neverland employees told Michael.

"All right, let's do it. 1, 2, 3, let's spread out and find those eggs!" Cameron said as he, Michael, Brett and the kids spread out in different directions.

Midway through the egg hunt, Cameron wasn't having any luck because he had not found a single egg yet, but he wasn't gonna give up because he told himself that he'd try to find at least one or two eggs as Michael approached him.

"Having no luck?" Michael asked his son.

"Sadly, but no. I haven't found a single egg, i thought i'd get at least one or two." Cameron admitted to his father, then he looked in his basket and saw that he got an egg. "At least you got one, dad."

"You'll find one, i know it." Michael assured him.

"Thanks, dad. I needed that." Cameron stated.

"You're welcome." Then they went into different directions

As the game went on, Brett had found five eggs as Cameron continued to struggle finding eggs, then as he was near the house, he looked down and picked up an egg, which was gold, that turned out to be the golden egg.

"YES!" Cameron cheered. "I finally got my first egg!"

"Dude, you found the golden egg!" Brett complimented.

"Guess you could say he was in the right place at the right time." Michael added.

The egg hunt went on and when it came to a close and when it was all said and done, Brett and Cameron were tied for the most eggs and once they went home, Michael and Cameron enjoyed the day together until it turned into night and there, they called it a night.

The Son of Michael Jackson (Michael Jackson Fic, Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now