Chapter 16: Cameron gets ambushed

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(August 16, 1993)

At Culver Studios in Culver City, Michael was rehearsing for the upcoming leg of the Dangerous Tour and there were some changes to the band for the upcoming leg as Jennifer had left because she had lost her father and was unable to continue, so Becky Barksdale would be the lead guitarist alongside David and also, Greg left too and in his place was Isaiah Sanders and also, Brad would be the musical director and for the dancers, Randy Allaire, Dominic and Eddie left and Travis Payne and Jason Yribar would replace them. Also, Monkey Business would be added to the set list as it would come after Billie Jean and before Working Day and Night.

Cameron wasn't there as he would be coming later when Janet would bring him to Culver Studios to meet Becky and Isaiah and after rehearsing The Way You Make Me Feel, Bruno came out and approached Michael with a morbid look on his face.

"Mike, can you come backstage?" Bruno stated. "Karen wants to tell you something."

The King of Pop started to have a really bad feeling in the pit of his stomach from the way Bruno sounded, knowing that and headed backstage where he saw Karen wiping tears from her eyes.

"Karen, what's wrong?" Michael asked, concern etched on his face seeing his makeup artist and friend in tears.

"Michael, i just got off the phone with your sister Janet, she just told me that Cameron was attacked as someone hit him in the back of the head and viciously assaulted him, his attacker fled before she could see him, then she found him in the living room unconscious." Karen shakily told him.

"What?!" Michael shouted, his heart racing a million miles hearing his son got attacked.

"She's took him to the hospital and your other siblings are there."

Michael got in his car and drove over to the Cedars-Sinai hospital and he literally flew down the street as a million thoughts ran through his head over his son. As soon as he arrived, he got out of the car and ran in the hospital. The receptionist told him that Cameron was on the 4th floor when the singer asked and when Michael got to the 4th floor, he arrived at the waiting room where his siblings were and even Lisa was there as Janet had brought her over.

"Hey, Mike, we haven't heard anything on Cameron's condition in case if you were gonna ask." Tito informed.

"Does anyone have a clue on who attacked my son?!" Michael demanded with anger in his tone, that was a side of the King of Pop that very few have seen.

"I don't know. But whoever did this to Cam better sleep with one eye open because i'm gonna beat that person to a bloody pulp." Randy said.

"Not unless i get there first!" Rebbie shouted.

"Get in line, that person's gonna answer to me on why my nephew was attacked!" Jackie said.

"I'll get to that person first!" Marlon vowed.

"Should i catch that person, i'm gonna go Sugar Ray Leonard on that individual!" Jermaine roared.

"Not if i have something to say!" LaToya growled, then everybody calmed down as the doctor came out from the Emergency Room that Cameron was taken into.

"How is my son?" Michael asked the doctor.

"Sir, your son fell into a coma because of the blunt attack to the back of his head, he has some damage to his skull, but no permanent damage and he is in stable condition however, but we do not know when he'll wake up."

Michael felt numb at what he had just heard as pain was in his chest, his son was in a coma and he feared that Cameron could potentially never wake up as slowly everything inside of him shut down he fell to his knees and started crying his eyes out as Janet and Marlon hugged him. The King of Pop wasn't the only one crying, his brothers and sisters started crying too. Michael was inconsolable as his siblings and girlfriend hugged him as Janet had started crying as much as her brother as Cameron considered Janet as his favorite Aunt as Lisa burst into tears herself.

"How long do you think he'll be in a coma?" Marlon asked through his own tears.

"We don't know

"C-can w-we s-see h-h-h-him?" Janet sobbed.

"Yes, only two at a time however." The doctor responded.

"I'll go." Michael said through tears.

"Me too." Janet sniffed.

"We'll stay here." Jermaine said.

Michael and his sister were led to the hospital room and when they entered, the sight nearly made Michael break down as it was obvious that Cameron was badly beaten, he had a black eye, dried blood on his face with stitches on his forehead and the soon to be teenager's skin, which is usually flawless, healthy and handsome was pale and he was on a ventilator and was hooked up to machines.

The King of Pop headed shakily to his son's bedside and held his limp right hand. "Cam, you're one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me other than the rest of the family, my fans and music. Please fight for me. Me, your uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents and friends all need you, we love you, Cameron Franklin Jackson."

Michael gave his comatose son a hug and broke down into tears as Janet hugged him.

"Cam, you're the coolest of the family as you've always found a way to be a peace maker whenever there was drama, please pull through for all of us, we need you." Janet choked through her own tears before she leaned down and kissed her nephew on the top of his head before she and Michael exited and saw Jermaine just getting off the phone.

"Michael, i just got off the phone with mother and father and they say they suspect that Evan Chandler was the one who assaulted your son." Jermaine stated.

"That lousy, no good--" Michael said angrily, tears still falling as Lisa rubbed his back. "If i ever get my hands around his neck, i'll pop him like a pimple!"

"Not if i get there first!" Janet interjected.

"You two get in line, i'll pop Evan's head like a pimple with my bare hands around his throat!" Randy told them.

"Who could have sent Evan after Cam?" Marlon questioned.

"Either it was on his own accord or somebody he's working with sent him." Tito predicted.

"I just realized something, Somebody's gonna have to watch Cam because the 2nd leg of my Dangerous Tour is gonna begin on August 24th in Bangkok and with him in a coma, there's a pretty good chance sadly that he's gonna miss the entire leg unless he wakes up in the midst of the leg." Michael realized, a forlorn expression on his face over his son more than likely missing the entire 2nd leg of the Dangerous Tour.

"Mike, you go on and do your tour, we'll take turns watching him for you." Jackie told Michael.

"Yeah." Lisa stated.

"When, not if he wakes up, you'll be the first to know." LaToya added.

"Thanks, everybody." Michael said.

Michael had the strength to head back to Culver Studios and told the band the heartbreaking news that Cameron was in a coma after he was attacked by Evan, the band all burst into tears and it made Michael cry again, they all said a prayer for Cameron.

When the Media reported about what happened, Michael's fans all gave their outpouring support for Cameron and singers, athletes, producers and friends who all knew Cameron sent their well wishes to the son of Michael. It made Michael feel happy that his son got a lot of love like he did.

Two days later, Evan Chandler had not been seen or heard from since his attack on Cameron and someone anonymous uncovered that the plan to attack Cameron was orchestrated by Santa Barbara District Attorney Thomas Sneddon Jr., who for some reason had a vendetta against Michael as his family loved the singer and it made him mad and a investigation into Tom Sneddon began.

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