Chapter 9: Kicking off the Dangerous Tour, Surprises in Oslo and Belgium

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It was June 24th and in Munich, a city in Germany and the location of the first show of the Dangerous World Tour, a plane landed and in it were Michael and Cameron, also with them were Brett, Bob Jones, Bill Bray, Wayne Nagin, M. Bush and the entire tour crew.

"Dad, it's been a long time since we've been here. Last time we came to Germany, it was Four years ago in September for the Bad Tour." Cameron told Michael.

"It sure has been a long time and i forgot to tell you, your Aunt Janet's gonna be at the concert." Michael commented.

"That's cool." Cameron stated.

"Mike, i heard that your sister Janet's gonna make a new album." Brett said.

"That's true as she signed to Virgin Records 3 months ago, but did you know Capitol, Virgin and A&M, which has been Janet's label were bidding for the chance to sign her in 1991 before she chose Virgin?"

"Didn't know that."


A day later, Michael filmed a music video for Give In To Me which featured Slash who also played a guitar solo on the song and the day after, he presented a check to the Mayor of Munich for the needy children at the captial's City Hall and they met up with Janet, who was going to attend the Munich concert.

June 27th arrived and it was the big day as it was the day the Dangerous Tour would officially begin and at the Olympiastadon, which is a stadium in Munich, there were around 75,000 people waiting to see Michael give a show stopping performance and in the sound tower, Cameron was there with Janet and a friend of hers named Tina as usually, Cameron would be in the wings of the stage watching his father perform onstage like he did during the Bad Tour with Michael's security watching Cameron to make sure he was safe.

"I wonder what my brother has up his sleeve?" Janet asked, she knew that Michael was full of surprises as she and Cameron were hearing the sounds of rumbling.

"Let's see." Tina responded, then they heard the sound of a ringing bell as the fans were awaiting the King of Pop to be on the stage and the lights were on, then the sound of the bell ringing was heard again and it sounded yet again as the rumbling got louder, then the sound of a panther roaring was heard and then Michael catapulted on to the stage from the trap door in the front like a toaster with pyrotechnics which electrified the crowd and they were going nuts seeing the King of Pop stand on the stage. Michael was decked out in a black jacket with 3 golden shutter straps and a vertical belt and underneath the jacket was a ornate gold fencing leotard.

"My dad never fails to amaze." Cameron said as he saw his father onstage

"That was the most awesome opening!" Janet exclaimed, in awe of her brother's entrance. "Yeah, Mike! That is so amazing, i never would have thought of that!"

Michael slowly reached for his sunglasses and took them off, then he did a spin and a kick, which signaled Jam and with that, the concert began and the crowd was loving the concert and there were a lot of faints. Cameron was dancing which amused Janet and at times, Cameron took some photos of his dad on stage.

For Jam, Kevin did the rap that was originally done by Heavy D and during Thriller, there was a stage trick where Michael went into two pillars and was secretly switched with a werewolf masked backup dancer as Michael was changing outfits for Billie Jean, which was the next song after Thriller on the setlist. Another stage trick would occur from Working Day and Night to Beat It when Michael sat on a chair and was covered in a sheet, when it was removed at the end of Working Day and Night, Michael was nowhere to be found until he was on the cherrypicker to start Beat It, which was sung in the original album key and it put strain on his voice same thing with Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' earlier. Cameron was brought on stage by Michael towards the end of Heal The World.

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