Chapter 14: Shocking Discovery

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(April 23, 1993)

When it came to Jackson Family Day, it was Cameron's favorite holiday besides Christmas and Thanksgiving as he loved seeing his family. Jackson Family Day was being held at Neverland as it has been held there since Michael had moved there in 1982 and the 1st time it was held there was in 1983 sometime after Motown 25. Michael also invited Lisa and her kids Ben and Riley over as a guest and introduced them to everybody in the family. Elizabeth was also invited as well and everybody was enjoying themselves and as Lisa was talking to Joseph and Katherine, Alejandra was seen heading in a direction which was weird as even Randy didn't know what was going on.

"That was weird for some reason." Lisa commented.

"What was that about?" Randy wondered, why his girlfriend headed off somewhere.

"No clue, maybe Cam can figure it out." Michael suggested.

"That does sound like a good idea." Joseph added.

"It does, Joe." Katherine agreed.

"Cam, go find out where Alejandra is headed." Michael told his son.

"On it, Dad." Cameron said.

Cameron followed Alejandra, but kept a safe distance so she wouldn't know he was following her. Alejandra headed into the movie theater as the 12 year old son of Michael raised his eyebrow.

"Why would she go into the movie theater?"

Cameron entered the movie theater and went past the snacks, he heard a noise, so he tip-toed to where the noise was coming from, he opened the door slightly and the sight he saw made him gasp.

As it turned out, Alejandra and Jermaine locking lips, Alejandra had been seeing Randy since 1986 even though they broke up when he married Eliza in 1989 and two years later, Randy rekindled his romance with Alejandra after splitting from Eliza and now, Alejandra was messing around with Jermaine, who was seeing Margaret as he took pictures as he was being incognito.

"Uncle Randy's gonna flip his lid when he hears about this." Cameron thought, then he exited and made his way back towards his father and the rest of the family.

"Dad, can i talk to you in private?" Cameron asked Michael. "It's about where Alejandra went."

"Sure, we'll be back." Michael stated as Lisa, Joseph, Katherine and Randy nodded and they headed to the house.

"Hey, Uncle Marlon." Cameron greeted Marlon.

"Hey, Marlon." Michael added.

"Hey, Cam. Hey, Mike." Marlon responded.

Michael and Cameron went in the master bedroom and when they entered, Cameron began to make signals to Michael.

"Was it something you did?" Michael asked.

"No." Cameron shook his head.

"It was something you saw."

Cameron nodded.

"What was it that you witnessed?"

Cameron then whispered in his father's ear at what he had seen and what Cameron told Michael made his eyes go really wide.

"Alejandra is cheating on Randy with Jermaine?!" Michael exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah and i got it all on camera."

"Wow." Michael sighed.

"But you know, Uncle Randy isn't all that clean either, when he was married to Eliza, he cheated on her with Alejandra and from what i overheard Aunt LaToya talking about not too long ago, Uncle Randy and Alejandra dated between 1986 and March 1989 when Alejandra was pregnant he met Eliza, who he married 5 months later and in December 1989, Alejandra gave birth to Genevieve and then next year in June, Eliza gave birth to Stevanna and unbeknownst to Eliza, Uncle Randy and Alejandra messed around at that time to December of 1991 and as a result, Little Randy was born in October of last year and in that same month, Eliza left Uncle Randy, who rekindled things with Alejandra, but if you think that was bad enough, Uncle Jermaine eased on in and messed around with Alejandra behind Uncle Randy's back, which means he cheated on Margaret with Alejandra." Cameron told his father, who's eyes went wider than saucers from what was revealed.

"When Randy finds out, it's going to be big time mayhem and your Aunt LaToya is the blabbermouth of the family." Michael commented. "Remember, hide the photos in your dresser."

"Roger that." Cameron responded.

Cameron went into the dark room that Michael added in 1987 several months before the Bad Tour since Cameron loved taking pictures and developed the photos he took of Jermaine and Alejandra kissing. He hid them in the middle row of his dresser.

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