Chapter 5: MTV 10, A Huge Surprise

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Three months had passed, the day was November 27th and the day prior, Michael released his new album, Dangerous and it had an additional track called Monkey Business, the first single was Black or White and the music video did cause a kerfuffle in the media because of the Panther Dance sequence, as a result, Michael released a statement apologizing and also he had a guest star role on The Simpsons episode Stark Raving Dad under the name John Jay Smith. Michael also had wrote a song for The Simpsons Sing The Blues called "Do The Bartman" .

The time was 7:00 am and in the living room, Cameron was watching some tv, he would frequently avoid watching the news as he didn't like their negativity towards his dad or anyone else in the family, instead, he would watch cartoons, MTV, VH1 or sports highlights as Michael came in the living room.

"Hey, dad." Cameron greeted.

"Hey, son. What are you doing up early?" Michael asked Cameron, knowing that his son would usually wake up between 7:30 am and 9:00 am.

"Just woke up."

"Now i get it. Today is the MTV 10 year anniversary special, i'm gonna be performing Black Or White and Will You Be There. Also performing at the event will be George Michael, Aerosmith, R.E.M. and Madonna. I'll be on after R.E.M." Michael informed, referring about the MTV special celebrating 10 years of music.

"You're gonna do fantastic like you always have." Cameron assured.

"Thanks, Cam. I'm so glad you're my son." Michael stated.

"And i'm so glad you're my dad." Cameron told Michael, who gave him a hug before they had breakfast.

Later, Michael and Cameron arrived at the venue where the MTV 10th anniversary was going to be filmed named Slash, a guitarist from the band Guns N' Roses and he played guitar on Black or White, which Michael would be performing in the show and also, the King of Pop would be performing another song from the Dangerous album called Will You Be There.

"Hey, Mike." Slash greeted the King of Pop.

"Hey, Slash." Michael responded. "Ready to rock and roll for Black or White?"

"Been ready from the start." Slash said before he looked at Cameron. "Hey, Little Dude."

"Hello, Mister Slash." Cameron stated. "How's things going?"

"It's going great."

They talked through the day and Cameron also chatted with Madonna, George Michael and R.E.M. before his father went on stage.

Michael was wearing a white button down long sleeve shirt with the left sleeve rolled back and also on the sleeve was a large black stripe and he was sitting on the roof of the car with background dancers and Slash was playing the guitar as Cameron was in the wings dancing and he was enjoying his dad's performance like he always did.

"Go dad go!" Cameron cheered.

Near the end, Michael did a dance on the roof of the car similar to the Panther Dance sequence in the video, but he toned it down before jumping off the car to the stage and the performance ended when Slash threw his guitar on the car.

Will You Be There was next and Michael stood next to the car and accompanying him was a choir and children as he sung, he and some dancers did a dance sequence and as he said the spoken outro, he got emotional as a few tears fell from his eyes and an angel came from above to the stage and wrapped her wings around him and when he headed to the wings, Michael could see that his son was crying because the song made him emotional.

"What's wrong, Cam?" Michael asked, seeing tears coming down Cameron's face as he put a hand on his shoulder.

"That part with you and the angel made me emotional." Cameron admitted, wiping his tears.

"I was shedding a tear as well." Michael told him.

"Other than that, you were awesome like usual and so was Slash on Black or White." Cameron complimented.


Some weeks had passed and at Neverland, Elizabeth Taylor, an legendary actress she and Michael first met at one of the last Victory Tour concerts at Dodger Stadium and Michael introduced her to Cameron at the concert and the actress struck up a friendship with the King of Pop and his son. Elizabeth was at Neverland as she had a surprise for Michael.

"Michael and Cam are gonna be so surprised what i have for them." Elizabeth stated.

In the house, Michael and Cameron were waiting for Elizabeth and one of the maids told them to come outside as Elizabeth had arrived with the surprise.

"Let's go see what the surprise is." Michael told his son as they walked to the exit to see what Elizabeth had for them and what they saw made their jaws hit the ground, it was an elephant.

"" Cameron commented, his eyes wider than saucers seeing the elephant and his father's eyes went wide as well.

"You can say that again." Michael stated as they laughed. "This is amazing."

"You're welcome." Elizabeth said as she hugged Michael, then she hugged Cameron. "Hey, Cameron. What do you think?"

"Awesome, we appreciate it Miss Liz." Cameron responded.

"Great to know, the Elephant's name is Gypsy because i'm dressed like a Gypsy." Elizabeth commented, which made everybody laugh.

At first Michael and Cameron were a little scared as it was a huge elephant, but they were in to it as they fed the Elephant while being careful.

"Elizabeth, since you surprised us, we want to surprise you." Michael said.

"You have a surprise for me?" Elizabeth inquired. "I can't wait to see it."

Michael, Cameron and Elizabeth all headed to the library and what Elizabeth saw made her grin, it was like a painting of Elizabeth with tapestry that a guy that Michael knew did.

"Oh my goodness! That's amazing! I love it!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

"Cam came up with the idea and a guy we know did this." Michael told her.

"Thank you, Cam for coming up with this idea." Elizabeth said, kissing Cameron on his cheek.

"You're welcome." Cameron remarked as Michael nodded.

"Also, we wrote something on the bottom and it says Elizabeth...'We love you...Michael and Cameron'." Michael pointed out.

"That was really sweet of you two." Elizabeth stated as they admired the painting.

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