Rescue Mission

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The group all met up in the hotel room, and as soon as Theo and Amara came in all tired, miserable, dark circled eyes all stared back at the couple. Amara and Theo looked at each other confused, then back at the group. "What?"
"We are trying to save Kira and Damio, and you too are having supernatural sex!" Stiles exclaimed, his hands flailing in the air. Amara wasn't embarrassed she was 18 she could do what she wanted. "Is that a problem?" She snapped at them, Theo knew she was getting mad and took a step back; knowing no one can stop her once she gets going. "Yes. We are trying to save our brother and you are over here sexing it up!" Scott yelled. Amara growled as her eyes turned to their rainbow color, then back to normal.
"How about we focus on getting them back, shall we?" Lydia asked trying to calm the situation. "Fine."
A couple hours later they find out where the buliding that was holding Damion and Kira there was. They geared up Lydia grabbed her cross bow, and knives, she then strapped the knives in holsters on her thighs; and Stiles grabbed his metal bat. "Okay guys this is going to get really dangerous so be careful."
"On a scale from one to Australia, how dangerous are we talking?" Stiles asked seriously. "Australia" Amara said who was also serious and grabbed a gun. "Why does a hybrid need a gun?" "Who says a hybrid can't have a gun?" She snapped back at Brett, he put his hands up in defense and walked away. After they got their stuff and confirmed their plan, they snuck around the back entrance to see five guards standing in the way. "Okay Theo, you're up." Scott said quietly. Theo went around the corner and held his arm and dragged his leg ating injured. "Help me, wolves they attacked me!" When the guard came close to him he grabbed one of the guards and punched so hard he passed out instantly, the other guards went to shoot but Theo had already grabbed one guard and pushed him into the remaining three and knocked them out. The group came out of hiding and gave Theo a 'good job'.
They entered the building and Amara inhaled and exhaled deeply before her eyes turned to their white color. She saw Damion beaten up badly and in a room, then she saw Kira in another room across from him. "I know where they are." She got in front of the group and led them to where they were, she saw Damion in a corner with black eyes, a busted lip, and bruises over his body. She bended the bars to his room and went in and knelt by him. "D-Damion. Damion it's me, Amara." He slowly looked up at her, it look almost painful to do so. "A-Amara?"
"Yeah, yeah it's me. We have to get you out of here."
Her and Liam helpped him up as he winced in pain. "They wanted me to keep killing I finally said no, apparently they don't take no for an answer." Damion said chuckling lightly.
"Scott?" A soft voice said from the other side of the hall. "Kira?" He said running to the bars and they held each other through them. "Stand back." Scott said as he started bending the bars and she jumped through and hugged him tightly, they kissed each other and hugged again. Amara just ignored them and foused on getting her brother out of here.
"Well hello Amara, Scott." A woman said from the shadows with a group of guards who weren't human, since humans don't have yellow, and blue eyes. "You didn't really think I would just let you run off with my prisoners did you? But I'm glad I got the three of you in the same place. The true Alpha, the true Hybrid, and the phoenix. Three of the most powerful supernatural creatures, ever. You three would make a great member to our team."
"By killing people?" Scott said followed by a growl he stepped in front of Amara and Damion. "Well...yeah. Dangerous people." Amara then drew out her gun and aimed it at the woman.
"If we are so pwerful like you say we are, what makes you think you can control, or make us?" "With this." The guards threw mountain ash at Lydia, Malia, Brett, Theo, Kira, and Stiles; it formed a circle around them. "If you don't join us, I will kill your friends. Stiles tried to step out but he was stuck and no one knew why.

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