Taken Away

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All three of them stood in shock, staring at each other, hoping the other would say something. "Uh..Hi! We are their friends." Stiles said from the background pointing at himself and the rest of the group. "We aren't friends." Amara said still staring at Damion. "C-Can I hug you?" She asked afraid he would say no. "Y-Yeah. Of cou-" Before he could finish she had already hugged him tightly, her eyes were closed and she felt a sense of security.
Damion was shocked but didn't hug her back, he never felt...loved before and he didn't know how to show it back. He looked at Scott and almost with his eyes he asked him what to do and Scott just smiled and nodded. Damion knew what he had to do and he wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on her shoulder, she wasn't that much shorter than him. He couldn't believe he had someone out there who cared for him this much.
Amara finally let go and smiled at the both of them, Scott hadn't seen a smile like that before, he was happy for her. "Hey man." Scott said, him and Damion hugged tightly and patted each other on the back. A 'bro' hug. The irony. Just then Damion started acting weird and looked towards the door and he grabbed Scott and Amara bringing them to the back. Stiles and the group stayed in the main shop. Damion, Amara, and Scott went into a storage room and Damion turned on the light. "Damion. What's going on?" Scott asked worried, he didn't sense anything was wrong.
"I've been with these people who use me as a-"
"We know. I saw through your eyes. I saw what they made you do." Amara said looking at him with reassurence in her eyes, trying to mentally tell him that she still cares for him, and thinks nothing less of him. At first Damion was confused then he smiled and place his hand on her cheek. "They told me you were powerful." She smiled at the comment.
"They are here to get me."
"I won't let that happen."
"Neither of us will." Amara and Scott said, they couldn't imagine Damion killing again because of them. "You don't have a choice. If they know you are here. They will kill you. I can't live with that." Damion opened the door prepared to go with the people. "Wait. Why did they have you kill that guy?" Scott asked grabbing his arm. "They want every supernatural creature wiped from the face of this earth and they are using me as a weapon."
"What are you?"
"I'm a Phoenix." Damion said before walking out. "Damion no!" Amara yelled before Scott covered her mouth, she tried to fight to get Scott of her, tears running down her face. She wanted her brother back.

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