Hate Me, Not Him

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It has been a week after everything that had happened. Amara went to school, went to class, and came back everyday that week. She didn't want to run into Scott or his friends so she just avoided them and stayed to herself. That is until she was in class and Scott walked in, they made brief eye contact and looked away. She knew he was angry at her, Amara wanted to talk to him and explain, but she didn't even know how they were brother and sister.
After school ended she was walking to her motorcycle when she had a feeling someone was behind her. She quickly turned around only to see Scott. "Scott? What are you doing here?" "We need to talk." He said emotionless, it was actually really scary. Scott and Amara had gotten on their bikes and drove to Scott's house, they walked in and went to the kitchen where Melissa was. "Hey Scott." She kissed him on his cheek before turning to put the food in the fridge. "Mom. This is Amara."
Melissa looked at her and smiled. "You're the one that told me to put the mountain ash around the house, why?" Amara looked at Scott and back at his mother. "I-I was protecting you, people were looking for Scott, I didn't want you getting hurt." She said smiling a little. "Well thank you. Scott said you saved his life." Amara looked at Scott surprised he would even mention that to her. Scott looked away from Amara not an expression to be found. "Amara and I need to go talk." He said to his mom, she just nodded and smiled. "Safe sex is the best sex." Melissa told them laughing. Amara looked like a deer in headlights. "Oh no. W-We aren't like that-" "It was a joke." Scott said to her grabbing her hand and took her upstairs. "Oh."
Melissa had left for work leaving Scott and Amara alone in his room. "H-How are you my...s-sister." He shuddered out...barely. "I don't know, all I know is that I'm a orphan, I moved here because my pack and I felt drawn here, then I find out you're my brother."
"Who told you that?"
"Theo. Theo Raeken."
Scott raised a brow and crossed his arms, he hadn't heard that name in a long time. "Theo's here? Haven't seen him in years. How would he know this?" Amara just shrugged and saw a picture on his table in the back, almost hidden. She got up and walked over to it, Scott's eyes following her. She picked up the picture and showed Scott a man in a suit. He had looked like Scott a little.
"Who is he?"
"My dad. Rafael"
"You look like him."
Scott took the picture and put it beside Amara. He sighed and put the picture down. "So do you. We don't have the same mom, we have to same dad." He gripped his hands together trying not to get angry. Amara looked at him, then knelt down in front of him, she put her hands over his. "I hate him." He whispered to himself, not knowing Amara heard him. "Hate me, not him." He looked at her and shook his head. "You don't know what he put us through, you don't know him." Amara put a hand on his cheek and closed her eyes, she saw what happened between Scott, Melissa, and Rafael. She saw how he met a woman at a bar, he didn't tell her he was married, Artemis was her name, she got pregnant, and Rafael left her. The name of her daughter was Amara, but there was another baby. A boy, his name was...Damion. She took her hand away and opened her eyes. "Now I know. What he did to you guys. I'm not your only sibling Scott." Scott looked confused, and angered.
"We have a brother."

Book 1:Beacon Hills [ Teen Wolf ]Where stories live. Discover now