What Am I?

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Three days later

Amara awoke gasping in shock as she sat up quickly from the bed. She looked around to see she was back in her bedroom. "Get up, Amara." The horrid voice of her foster mother rang through her ears, like a train zooming past her. Amara looked at her digital calendar and saw three days have gone by. Her mother walked out and slammed the door behind her. It was like she didn't even notice she'd been missing. Amara got out of bed and looked in the mirror, looking at her neck. Nothing. No mark, no soreness...nothing. She just sighed and went to grab her phone but couldn't find it. "Great." Amara took a shower, brushed teeth, got dressed, and headed off to find Theo. Grabbing her bag she opened her window and jumped down out her second story window, and ran for the woods. After awhile she came upon the very spot Diana died in. She knelt down and just cried as she relived the event that happened that night. She heard footsteps coming from behind her, she turned around ready to fight. "I thought I might find you here." It was Theo, he had an innocent smile on his face. But Amara knew he was far from innocent. "Stay away from me." She said as her eyes turned into their rainbow of colors. "How did you find me? What happened to me three days ago?" She had so many questions, and only he knew the answers. "What am I?" 'Mara asked, with tears falling down her face. Theo's smile went away, and was replaced with a look of shame on his face. "Come with me. Then I'll tell you everything you want to know. I'll even tell you what you are." Amara looked at him for awhile, she didn't want to go with him. But she needed answers. "Fine." She starting walking towards him, but stopped and looked back at the spot were Diana had died. "I'm sorry for your lost." The boy said looking at her. She never looked back him, still looking at the spot, she knew he was looking at her. It was almost like his staring were burning holes in her. "No you're not." She said finally looking back at him. "We should go." "Then start walking." She responded, clearly angered by his presence. Theo started walking, while Amara followed close behind. They've been walking for awhile in silence. "Where are we going? How far are we going? Can you talk?" Amara asked breaking the silence. "You ask a lot of questions." He said still walking. "You don't have a lot of answers." She said rolling her eyes. "I mean can you at least answer one quest-" Just then her sentence was cut off by Theo grabbing her and pulling her towards a tree. His arms wrapped around her waist, as arrows are flying through the air hitting another tree. Amara would have been hit if it wasn't for Theo. "You okay?" He asked, his arms stills around her. The boy looked down at her worried. "Y-Yeah. What happened?" "It was a trap. You stepped on a trip line, it must have triggered those arrows." Amara looked over at the arrows, then back at Theo. She noticed their body pressed against each other. "You can let go now." She said looking up at him. "I can." He said never moving, he looked down at her neck, one hand coming up and tilting her head to the side as he looked at the side of her neck. A sigh of relief came from him. "It healed. Good. I was worried." Amara put her hand on his chest applying pressure a little. "Move." She said sternly. "I thought we had a moment." Amara rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Yeah. Keep thinking that." Theo just walked up behind her, she could feel his chest against her back. "Are you sure you are okay?" He asked looking down at her. Amara touched her neck and nodded. "Yeah....what happened to me?" She said quietly. "Come on. We're almost there." He said walking off, she followed after him. They ended up at the Nemeton, Theo turned to her and sat on the stump. "Don't sit on that!" She warned. But she didn't even know why, she had never seen this thing before. She doesn't even know the history of it. "Why did I say that?" She asked herself. "You feel like you should protect it, right? Like you would destroy anyone who dare threaten it." He was right she did feel protective over it, the question is...why? "What am I?" "... El verdadero híbrido" Theo said walking up to her. "You're El verdadero híbrido."

Book 1:Beacon Hills [ Teen Wolf ]Where stories live. Discover now