Brother, Where Art Thou?

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Amara ran to Scott's house frantically banging on the door, hoping someone would answer. She knew Colin wouldn't waste anytime killing Scott for what he did to Diana. Just then the door flew open, it was Scott's mom. "Okay, okay...Yes. Can I help you?" Amara stared at her for awhile looking at the one who just might be her mother. Her real mother. "I-Is Scott here?" Melissa looked confused and a little worried. "No...why?" Amara listened to her heart beat, she could tell she was scared. "He might be in danger. Do you know where he is?" "He's at Beacon Hills Park with his friends. What's going on?" Amara just sighed and put a hand on Melissa's shoulder and felt a wave of death and anger wash over her. She quickly withdrew her hand from her and gasped. "Uh..Just stay inside and take this." Amara handed her a small container of Mountain Ash. "When I leave, smash it down in the door frame, don't ask any questions just do it. Okay?" She didn't know Melissa had already known about the supernatural world, but Melissa just nodded. She gripped the container tightly as she watched Amara run down the street and into the woods. A couple hours past and Amara was following Scott's scent. It led her to the tunnels under the Park, where her pack goes to have their meetings. She opened the hidden floor in the ground and walked in, she could smell blood, Scott's blood. Then she heard Colin's voice screaming at someone. She ran towards the voice and saw Colin beating a bloody and bruised Scott, who was chained between two pillars. "Scott!" Amara screamed as she ran to him hugging Scott. She put her hand on his chest and started to heal him, the black veins filled with pain came from Scott and into Amara. She winced at the pain but kept going her eyes shifting to their bright rainbow state. Scott lifted his head as he felt his power come back, he looked at Amara's eyes and just gave a weak smile. "I knew you were special." He said softly. Colin pulled Amara away from him and held on to her arm. "What the hell are you doing?" Colin asked her, clearly angered. "He killed Diana!" His eyes turned their bright red color, as he threw Amara against the wall. She yelled out in pain, she looked over at Scott who was still pretty weak. "He didn't kill her! The Kitsune did!" She yelled back pushing Colin away. "Why are you protecting him? You were suppose to find out their weaknesses and destroy them, and now you want to save him? He is their Alpha! If he dies, they die." Scott looked up at her with pain, and confusion in his eyes. "You were using us? You never cared about us?" Scott asked as if desperately a answer. He has been betrayed, and hurt before. Not again. "I'm sorry." Is all she could say to him. Scott started to break the chains off him, he didn't know where the surprise strength came from. Maybe it was from the pain of being hurt again. He knew he had to be strong, he couldn't let anyone make him feel weak, or hurt again. Never again. Colin was ready for battle, so was Scott. The two Alpha's started to charge towards each other before Amara stepped in. "I can't let you kill him." "Why not?" Colin growled not breaking eye contact with Scott. "Because..." She took a breath and looked at Colin sternly. "Because he is my brother."

Book 1:Beacon Hills [ Teen Wolf ]Where stories live. Discover now