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The next morning everyone got packed and headed for the small town Amara last saw Damion in.
"So uh..I heard you can see through peoples eyes?"
"Yeah, but I can't do it often, it drains my energy."
"Well we're gonna need you to do it, babe." Everyone turned around except Stilles, looking at Theo in his truck behind them. "Don't call me that." Stiles looked in his rear-view mirror to see everyone turned around. "What? What happened? Did he die?" Then everyone turned their attention to Stiles with their eyes squinted at him. "Did he really just say that?" Liam said who was sitting next to Brett. "Yep." Brett responded. Amara sat up straight in her seat and closed her eyes, she was silent for awhile; then her eyes shot open but they were their solid white color. She started seeing what Damion was seeing. It looked like he was in a cell. It was dark, she knew he was cold, scared.
"Oh my-"
"What? Amara what's wrong?" Scott asked worried about what she was seeing. "He's scared, cold. H-He's in a dark room." Just then the door opened and two large, heavy built men came and grabbed Damion, he was shruggling to get free, and so was Amara. It was like she was feeling what he was feeling and she was starting to believe the men were taking her instead. She started trying to shake them off, in result her hands, and arms started flying around hitting Liam and Malia, they tried to calm her down and hold her hands down, which made her freak out more. "LET GO OF ME!" Theo heard from the truck and drove up next to them seeing Amara trying to get free from them. He blew the horn and told them to pull over. Amara was seeing the men yank and drag Damion down a long dim lit hallway. "No! No! Please don't!" Damion said, but Amara was repeating it. They had pulled over Theo jumped out his truck and opened th backseat door taking Amara out and holding her.
"Amara! Calm down!"
"Let go! I don't want to do it!"
Just then Damion was taken to a big room that had a vintage feel to it. A woman walked out from another room and walked towards Damion who tried to get away even harder; Amara screams and scratches Theo they could barely hold on to her. "Hold her still." Theo said, as Malia held on to Amara as best as she could. Theo then slapped Amara hoping she would awake from the trance, but she was still in it. The woman brought in a man...a man with yellow eyes. "Werewolf." Amara whispered over and over again, Theo and the others looked at each in confusion. The woman pushed the man down with her mind. "Do it Damion. Kill him." That voice. It's that woman, the one who told me I would die.
"It's her! She's making Damion kill him!"
"Amara wake up!" Theo slapped her harder but she was still seeing Damion. "Do it or I'll kill your brother and sister." Damion stopped fighting and just looked at the woman. "Please don't do this." He said pleading. "Do it or they die." Damion stood up, and his eyes turned purple. "No Damion. Don't do it!" Amara yelled hoping he would hear her, but to no avail. Theo slapped her as hard as he could. "Theo stop it!" Scott yelled pushing him back away from Amara. "If we don't get her out this trance, it will drain the life out of her, if you keep her like this, she gonna die; and I will not let that happen...are you?" Theo asked, Scott took a moment and then back away. Just then wings appeared on the back of Damion, made of fire. He walked over to the man, watching as he pleaded for to let him live. "I'm sorry." Damion said as he put his hand on the man's back and his hand caught on fire burning the man. "NOOOOO!!!" Amara screamed at the top of her lungs before Theo slapped her as hard as he could. Amara snapped out of it and passed out.

Book 1:Beacon Hills [ Teen Wolf ]Where stories live. Discover now