The Truth

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To the smell of blueberry pancakes, and coffee, Amara woke up. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and sat up, looking around she noticed she wasn't in her bed, and she wasn't in her room. The walls were plain white, a few pictures of Scott and his friends, a desk, and a picture frame of a girl on it. She got up and noticed she had on a over sized tee-shirt and underwear. "Glad you're up." A male voice came from next to her. Amara looked over at the door frame seeing Theo in sweat pants, and shirtless. "Did you undress me?" The girl asked angered. "....yyeess?" Theo said worried she was going to punch him. "Only because your clothes were bloody, and dirty. I didn't want you waking up to dirty clothes. So I took them off and gave that shirt. Sorry?" Amara just sighed and rolled her eyes. "I didn't see anything. I promise." Theo gave a innocent looking smile that made Amara laugh a little. "Its fine. But I have to get back to my friends." Amara said going to his dresser,Theo stepped in front of her and smirked. "So soon?" She got temporarily distracted by his body, she realized she was staring a little too long at his chest. "Uh...yeah. The are probably looking for me." She moved him over and looked in his dresser and got a pair of sweat pants. "Can I have my clothes?" Theo looked down at her and realized that he was staring a little too long. "Th-They're still in the washer." "Okay. Well later when they are dry. Call me." Theo just nodded and smiled. "Okay." In that moment they were both staring at each other for a while and then in a blink of an eye they brought there faces towards each other and were having a full out make-out session. He backed her up towards the bed they're lips still connected. They laid on the bed him on top of her, his kisses traveled down to her neck making her moan. "Pancakes." He said between kisses. "W-What?" Amara asked as her fingers laced thmselves between his hair. "P-Pancakes. I made pancakes for you." He said kissing down to her collar bone. "Screw the pancakes." Amara said lifting up the shirt and throwing it across the room, she pulled him up towards her and kissed him hard. "I sh-should really go, Theo." She breathed out. Theo lifted her up, her legs wrapped around his waist, he moved her against a wall, pressing against her. "You don't have to." "Okay." Amara said nodding her head. Theo smirked and looked at her, both of the panting. "Why do you have pictures of Scott and his friends?" Amara asked looking over at the pictures. He wasnt really expecting that question, he had to come up with something fast. "The Sheriff gave them to me when I moved here..." He said starting to kiss her again. He reached behind her and undo her bra. She put her hand against his chest to stop him. "Theo..." She said looking at him more seriously. "Why?" He put her down but they were still close together, her back against the wall. "He knew I was looking for a pack, he gave me those pictures to show me who they were." Amara looked at him in shock. "Scott and his pack killed my friend. Why would you want to be in their pack?" She asked hooking her bra back, and putting on the t-shirt, and putting on her shoes. "Where you going?" He asked almost insulted that she was going to leave after what happened between them. "I have to find my pack. After what happened a couple days ago, something tells me they are going to try and kill Scott." She said walking out his room, going downstairs. "If you hate Scott so much why do you care if he dies? Because he's your brother?" Theo just realized what he said and stopped dead in his tracks. He didn't want to be the one to tell her the truth, but it slipped. Amara turned around and looked at him confused. "What are you talking about? Scott isn't my brother...right?" Theo just sighed and looked away. "Theo? Tell me that Scott isn't my brother." "I can't do that." He didn't know why he couldn't just lie. It's not like he's never done it before. But for some reason Amara was different. She just shook her head and ran out the house, tears forming in her eyes. Some people just can't handle the truth.

Book 1:Beacon Hills [ Teen Wolf ]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz