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Amara woke up to an ice cold concrete floor. It was silent, all she could hear was water dripping from the ceiling. She stood up quickly looking around wondering where she was. Or how she even got there. She walked over to the bars that separated her from the room(if you could call it that), and the other side. She tried to break the bars but they burned her hands. Amara whimpered as she stepped back from the bars. "Hello! Hello! Someone there!?" She stopped and listened, but heard nothing. "Someone please help me!" Just then she heard footsteps getting louder. She backed up into a dark corner, her claws coming out. Canines and fangs appearing. She saw a figure come from around the corner...the same figure she saw walking towards her before she passed out. "Hi." The figure said as he knelt down to an opening at the bottom of the bars and slid a tray of food through. He turned on a light in the room from the other side so she can see her tray. Amara looked at him strangely. But not like he was a stranger, it almost felt like she knew him. "You should eat. You've been asleep for two days." "Two days? I-I have to get home. Please let me out." She begged walking over to him, being careful not to touch the bars again. The boy just looked down at her being as though he was a few inches taller than her. "I can't. They have to fix you." He said with no emotion in his voice, which gave Amara a scared feeling in the pit of her stomach. "I don't have to be fixed. I'm fine just let me go....please." She reached out to touch his hand, his hand was wrapped around a bar, the boy looked at her hand but didn't pull away. "I-I can't." This time when he said it he sounded...sorry. When she touched him something changed in him. But it don't last long he pulled his hand away and so did she. He started walking away till Amara spoke again. "At least tell me your name." The boy stopped in his tracks and turned his body a little his feet still planted to the ground; not moving. "Theo. My name is Theo." He said before walking again. "Amara." She said looking at him hoping he would leave her there alone. "I know." He said as he just continued walking, till he was out of her sight.

Two days goes by, Theo still coming to give her the three course meals. She tried to start up conversions with the boy, but he only did one word conversations. He was like those people you text and they type things like 'hey' 'wassup' 'cool' 'k'. It was starting to irk her nerves. She heard her pack howling for her, she wanted to howl back but the mountain ash around her made her become weak. But the strange thing was....she should have been dead. This much mountain she have killed her in a matter of hours. But she's still breathing. Barely. Theo walks to the room gated room. Amara had called this room her cell. She noticed he didn't have a tray with him, instead..he had a key. Amara stood up and watched in confusion, the boy unlocked the cell and walked in. "What are you doing?" She asked looking at him with fear in her eyes. "It's time." He said looking into her eyes, a smirk appearing on his face. "Time for what?" "...For them to fix you." Amara gasped and backed away bumping into a wall behind her. Theo walked towards her and went to grab her hand. "No!" Amara screamed as she pushed him away from her, the hit sent him flying away from Amara and hitting the bars. She ran out the cell and looked around at the different tunnels. They reminded her of the tunnels her pack found, and stayed in. She ran down one hallway and kept running till she saw two tall figures with masks, and tubes, and other things she couldn't describe. She started running down the way she came and another one those things coming towards her. She was stuck. "Theo!" She didn't know why she called him out to help her, guess it's because when she touched him she felt goodness in him. "Theo isn't going to save you. Your condition is...unique." Theo never came, but even though she was still weak, she fought them off the best she could. Before she knew it one of the figures grabbed her by the throat and pushed her against the wall. He had a huge needle with what looked like....some sort of liquid in it. He pushed the needle into her neck. "Don't hurt her!" A voice coming from behind the things she looked over to see Theo running towards them. They injected her with the liquid and dropped her. She fell to the ground just as Theo pushed past them and knelt down, he propped her up so she was sitting in front of him on the floor, her back against his chest. "Theo..." She said quietly almost hard for anyone to hear her. Theo looked up at them. "I needed her alive!" He yelled at them. "If she survive the injection...she will be." They walked away then disappeared into thin air. Theo looked at Amara watching her slip into unconsciousness. "Amara..." He said as her eyes closed and went limp in his hold.

Book 1:Beacon Hills [ Teen Wolf ]Where stories live. Discover now