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After about an hour, Amara had woke up and her eyes were back to normal. She saw Scott before she saw anyone else, she got up and as rambling words so fast he couldn't understand what she was trying to say. "A-Amara slow down." She took a breath and focused on what she was trying to say. "He knows, Scott. He knows about us." Scott tilted his head a little and shrugged lightly; Amara sighed in flustration.
"He knows we are his brother and sister, the woman on the phone she forced him to kill a werewolf."
"That would explain why you kept repeating that in your little acid trip." Malia said leaning against the jeep. "They have him killing people, and if stops they will kill us. We have to rescue him." Scott stepped back and walked away from everyone, needing time by himself. Amara walked over to him.
"What's wrong?"
"He's a killer."
"What? He-He did it for us. They are making him do it, using us as leverage." Scott sighed and shook his head. "We don't kill people, Amara. If it was me I would have found another way to save you, but I would kill anyone. He's a killer."
"Speak for yourself, Scott." Amara walked away and got inside the jeep, looking out the window. Theo walked up to Scott sighing. "You shouldn't have said that Scott sh-"
"Why are you here, Theo? After all these years you show up, you're a werewolf, and you and 'Mara seem too close."
Theo just chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head. "Okay. So you're doing the Q and A. Well I'm here because I need a pack, Mine died from an Alpha Pack and I ran and hide barely excaping with my life. When I found out there was a pack here, led by a True Alpha I came here. only to find out it's Scott McCall." He said laughing, Scott smiled a little, he had let his guard down. At first he didn't really trust Theo, but he's begining to. Now Amara and I is a different story. I was the one of saved her from the Dread Doctors. It's a group of three scientists who exprements on supernatural creatures like us. But we will get to that later." Scott nodded, great, more things he needs to worry about. "Hey, I got your back." Theo said putting his hand on Scott's shoulder, and gave him a friendly smile. Scott smiled back and nodded in agreement. "Look we have to rescue him, he is the only one who can save her. Please Scott, as a old friend. I can't lose her." Scott thought for a minute and looked over at Amara who was in the car crying, while Brett was holding her conforting her. Scott looked back a Theo. "How far till we reach the Reservation?" Theo smiled in relief.
"About three miles left."
"Then I guess we should get going."
Theo went to walk back to his truck before Scott grabbed his arm.
"Is it okay if they ride with you? I want to talk to Amara alone."
Scott and Theo walked back to the group and told them what was happening. "Uh-uh. No. Heck no. Nope. The only one driving my jeep is me. Okay? So if we are going to do this, it's going to be Amara, me, and you." Scott just laughed and raised his hands in defense. "Dude, I'm messing with you, you can ride with us." Stiles dquinted his eyes at Scott and nodded. "Mhmm. Thought so."
Everyone went to Theo truck and got in, while Scott, Stiles, and Amara stayed in the jeep.
After awhile they made it to the Inidan Reservation. It looked like a small town, with stores and markets everywhere. They park their vehicles and got out taking in ther surroundings. "This is it. This where I saw him." Amara saw the store he was in and ran to it. "Amara! Wait!" Liam yelled out as everyone followed her. She walked in the store looking around, she sees the vase she saw him looking at ans smiled; she knew she had to be close to finding him. She went up to the owner and gave him a friendly smile. He had completely silver hair going down his back, with dark brown eyes, and honey brown skin. "Hi. I was looking for Damion Lyon? I'm new here and I ran into him the other day and we were suppose to meet up today." The man spoke in his native tongue; Cherokee. Her Cherokee was rusty but she could make out that he worked there, and the word door. She smiled and said 'thank you' in Cherokee and went up to Scott. "He works here and something about a door. Just then a door opened behind them. Scott and Amara felt a wave of power come over them, like they've never felt, but at the same time they felt joy and secureness. They turned around to see a face that Amara had only seen once, and Scott never seen. Damion. It was Damion. He saw Scott and Amara and froze in his tracks, shocked to see them in front of him; alive and well. Scott and Amara walked towards him, then Damion did the same till they were all together.
"Hi." Amara and Scott said not knowing what to say next.
"H-Hi." Damion said.

Book 1:Beacon Hills [ Teen Wolf ]Where stories live. Discover now