The Battle(Beginning) Part 1

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Jeremy, Stephen, Layla, Jay, and Cara came behind Colin lining up. Diana standing next to Colin close, their eyes turn to there supernatural colors, as their canines, and fangs come out, growling at the opposite pack. Scott's eyes turn to their crimson color the same time his claws come out, Kira takes off her belt, turning it into her sword, Lydia goes into her back pocket and pulls out a short rod, then hits the button, the rod turns into a crossbow. In honor of Allison. Lydia had come far from the pretend dumb, strawberry blond, with the Ice Cold Heart. Going around each of her thighs is a strap that had Chinese Ring Daggers in them, extra arrows in a container strapped to her back. Stiles with his infamous 'metal' bat, Scott taught Stiles how to defend himself, he even took lessons from Parrish. But just enough for him to survive long enough for Scott to save his behind. Liam growled louder that the rest, he had respect for Scott, trusts him, believes in him. He didn't want anything happening to him, he cared more about him then he would like to lead on.

The two packs staring each other down for what felt like hours. "Leave. This doesn't concern you." Colin spoke out with authority eyeing Scott. "It does when you hurt our friend. Back off...and no one will have to get hurt." Colin chuckles then smirks. "Friend?" Colin looks at Stiles and smiles a wicked grin. "Friends tell friends secrets. Do you know hers...Stiles?" Stiles's eyes widens as he looks over at Amara, laying there only her chest moving, he stood there wondering what he meant. "How do you know his name?" Kira asked, with her sword still in hand her eyes a bright golden orange. "We know all of you. You are the reason we are here." Diana finally spoke, she looked over at Amara she started to walk over to her till Scott and his pack step forward, then immediately Colin and his pack step forward. "Don't you dare touch her!" Jeremy yelled at Scott's pack. Scott and Colin had what felt like a staring contest, then Colin nodded his head toward Scott. Before anyone knew. They were at war.

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