Part 26: England Bound

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"I'm actually so excited, I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I say before giving both Taraji P Henson, this week's host, and Kate a hug and exiting 30 Rock. We were just talking about this female baseball history sketch we were going to do before I decided to go home since I was kinda bored and thought I would just go get some rest. Once I got home I immediately went to my bed and fell asleep for a solid 5 hours. With the added 2 hours of sleep I had gotten earlier this morning in my office before the read through, I was finally re-energized enough to head to my kitchen and make myself some food. Unfortunately, I haven't gone grocery shopping in a while and was completely out. I decide to go out and buy some food and as I'm about to leave I hear my door knock. I walk over towards it and without even looking to see who it is open it to find Harry standing in front of me. "HARRY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I freak out as I immediately wrap my arms around his neck and he grabs my waist as I hug him tightly.

"I wanted to surprise you, we had some time off and I wanted to come see you" he says as he lifts me up and carry's me inside my apartment, closing the door with his shoe as we walk in. "I've missed you so much babe" he says before planting his soft, warm lips on mine and I giggle out of excitement. I've missed him so much, I can't believe he's here! We sit on my couch and we begin to talk and catch up for a bit while still playfully kissing and touching each other. "Where were you going?" he finally asks me referring to the leather jacket I had on which clearly isn't something I would just be wearing around my house during my time off.

"Oh I was going to go grocery shopping since I literally have no food in my apartment, which reminds me, I'm starving, so I should probably go" I sigh not wanting to get up and leave Harry after we had just finally reunited. "You can stay here. I'm sure you want to rest up after your flight"

"You're not getting rid of me that easily, it's fine I'll come with you" he says getting off the couch and I smile, before thanking him since I genuinely don't want to leave him right now.


"What are you thinking about?" Harry asks as I stand in the middle of some random aisle at the grocery store that's filled with plastic cups and paper plates just staring at my shopping cart.

"I have so much stuff in my cart! I probably shouldn't be grocery shopping while I'm hungry I'm trying to figure out what I should probably put back since I probably don't actually need it" I admit and Harry just shakes his head before grabbing the cart and driving it away from me and I try to stop him but he's too fast. He makes his way up to an empty cashier and begins to unload the cart. I try not to make a scene since we're in public so I quietly whisper to him "why are you making me buy all this?" I ask, since I don't know why he would have a problem with me trying to put away some extra snacks I had bought because I was hungry.

"Just because you're hungry doesn't mean you're not craving all of this, you should eat whatever you like and I want to make sure you do" he says casually back. Once all the items are scanned I begin to reach for my debit card but see Harry's already using his. I give him a quick pinch to try and tell him to stop but he just ignores me. Once he has paid we make our way out of the grocery store.

"You didn't have to pay for me, I don't want you to spend your money on me" I tell him honestly.

"Well too bad, I want to, besides, it's only some groceries it's not like I always do this, and I'm pretty sure I put some snacks in the cart as well" he says as he drives the cart towards my car. I sigh knowing that there's no way I could make Harry regret paying for me. I notice some girls taking our picture as we walk to my car which makes me feel weird, I don't know why but I don't want people seeing Harry and I go grocery shopping together.


"I talked to him like all day yesterday, it was the first time I actually had a long, serious talk with him since he left, I think I finally heard what I needed and I think we're back on good terms again" Harry says as he fills me in on the phone conversation he had yesterday with Zayn as we lay in my bed. We continue to just talk and cuddle next to each other for a little bit longer before I begin to kiss Harry and move myself on top of him as I now straddle his waist, while bending down to kiss him. I can't wait any longer, I miss Harry so much, I miss his touch, and the way he makes me feel, I need him now. Harry soon flips me back onto the bed so now he's on top and I giggle before kissing his once again as I feel him start to get rid up my shirt.

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