Chapter 3~Kidnapping?!

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Jin's P.O.V

"I want Ross and Sky,"said Zane.

"Why?"Sky asked,still in his fighting position.

"I want him to be my servant,and I want your power," Zane said.

"Why Ross and Sky?"Max asked threateningly.

"He seemes to be.....oh,you know,the right person to do the job"said Zane. Ross disappears

" W-where did he goes?!"Barney asked.

"He is with me," We heard  Zane.

"Give him back!"Sky threatened.

"Oops. I was joking about the servant part,"said Zane. "IF you want him, come get him,"he said with an evil laugh.

"H-help me!"I heard Ross.

"We have to find Aph!"I said.

"Uhm. I can help" said a guy. I turn around and a guy with blue hair is standing there.

"Y-you knows Aphmau?"Barney asked.

"Yes. Follow me,"said the guy.

"So....what are your names?"the guy asked.

"Oh. It's Jin, Barney,Max, and Sky"I replied.

"The one Zane took was Ross,right?"the blue-haired guy asked.

Sky sighed."Yes. H-how did you know?"

"He stopped by "he replied.


"Yeah...we thought he was a threat and took Ross to Lady Aphmau. She seems to know him."

"L-lady? Aphmau?"I ask.

"Yeah...she's lord of Phoenix Drop,"the guard explained.

"Oh?"Max asked.


We walk in silence.

"Here we are "said the dude.

"Thanks. Wait we didn't get your name!"I said.

"Oh. It's  Dante."

"Thanks Dante,"Sky said.

"No problem!"Dante said.

He left and Aphmau came out.

"Aphmau!Weneedyourhelp!RossgotcapturedbythisguynamedZane,andwedon'tknowwherehe tookhim!"Sky said all too fast.

Aph sighed."Sky. English please?"

"Oh...sorry! ROSS GOT KIDNAPPED AND WE NEED YOUR HELP!"Sky practically screamed. Yeah.....all the village heard....

"Wait...So. You're saying Ross got captured?!"Aph asked.

"YES!"Adam yelled. I roll my eyes.

"By who?!"Aph asked.

"This guy named Zane,"Sky said in a whisper.

"Dave?"Aph asked.

"Zane, "I said. Aph's eyes widen.

"Oh my!"Aph said.

"Huh?"I ask.

"This is bad! This is bad!!!"

"Why?!"Sky asked.

"Because! Zane is evil!"Aph replied.

"Uh. We got that down,"Max said.

"He tried taking down Phoenix Drop once! Who knows what he'll do to Ross!"Aph said.

"Oh no...."I mumble.

"We need to find him!"Aphmau said.

"I will beat that dirt! He messes withs my friends like that?! Oh! Hes will pay!"Barney said.

"But where is he?!"Max asked.

"There is only one place. The Nether."

When Two World's Collide {COMPLETED} (Wattys 2017)Where stories live. Discover now