4 months

247 6 1

I sat in my vanity chair finally removing the bandage off my nose and I gently touched it as it had healed. I left my hair in its wild curly state and walked over to my closet. I put on a black tee, a mint green wind breaker, my grey beanie, black jeans and white adidas.
"Crystal it's time." My dad had said.
"Do I really have to go?"
"Sweetheart, it's October. You have to go to school someday besides, you'll miss homecoming. I'll be outside." He said smiling shutting my door. The past four months, have been peaceful and prosperous for my family. Dad earned a load of money and Katja has been super nice. Although my family will never ever be picture perfect, we're healing. When mom left, we were so unglued. I finally built the courage to go outside and walk to the car. Katja rode to school with our friends, the ones I didn't want any part in. When we pulled up to my large high school I dreaded getting out.
"Wish me good luck." I asked.
"Good luck from me and your mom." He said smiling. I turned to the backseat, to see her. I smiled, if only she weren't a figment of our imaginations. I stepped out of the car observing my surroundings, I guess everyone was inside. I walked into the building main office to greet Ms.Jules.
"Goodmorning Crystal, glad to see you up and well." She handed me my schedule,
"Everyone's in the lunch room." I nodded in reply as she also handed me an elevator key.
"I don't need this."
"But your accident."
"I really don't ." I said putting it gently into her palm. I exited walking down the hallway that was lined with trophies, top students and etcetera. I saw my mothers picture. She was so beautiful with her happy self. I continued walking until I stepped inside e lunch room. I stood there for two minutes before everyone realized it had been me. A silence creeped through the windows setting the tone of the room. I walked over to an empty table in the far corner just reading my book. Yet, everyone was still staring. A tall, skinny girl with red hair then walked over to me and turned toward everyone.
"May she help you?" She asked, and instantly everyone resumed their conversation.
"You must be Crytsal, I am Xandra." She said holding out a hand. I grabbed it and stood up,
"Come sit with us." She said. I nodded, following her to a table with girls alike her. Where I sat, I could see Nathan staring from across the room. I looked down, it's crazy how they all said nothing, how Ashley and Katja said nothing.
"Ooh Sasha how do you think baby blue would look on me for homecoming? Or should I do crimson red?"
"Hmm Crimson red?" She said, and the other girls agreed.
"What do you think Crystal?" She asked, I nodded answering.
"You don't talk much, I like you already." The bell then rang.
I drifted from the cheeky girls walking to my upstairs classroom, English. To my surprise , the whole gang had this class. Ashley, Trevor, Ashton, Nathan, Sasha, Xandra and others.
"Hello Crystal you'll sit there." He placed me in a pair with Nathan, how surprising. I went to sit there anyways. He began the lesson and five minutes into class I was handed a note.
"Give this to Nathan." Sasha said. I read a glimpse of it before grabbing it, I looked at Xandra and it was from her. It had said, homecoming will be wonderful right. I wasn't upset about this, I did not care much at all. Nathan saw me catch an eye of it but I gave it to him still. He wrote on the back, yeah sexy. He was playing a game that he was going to lose. I don't understand, why was he doing this? I was nothing but good to him but he flaked out. His missed out on all of this. I know I'm not the best and I'm broken but I was better than that empty girl willing to open her legs for a squirrel.
"What are you doing?" I asked and the whole class heard, "You know what, I can't do this." I said picking my books up and walking out. I sped walked out the front door and to the side walk.
"Crystal wait."
"You don't give a fuck do you?!" I said shouting. I walked into the middle of the street,
"Crystal." He ran to me and pushed us out of the way of a truck. I moved my hair out of my face catching my breath, he was on top of me. We stared into each others eyes and then I looked down.
"I can't move Nathan."
"Help me up I can't move!" I said crying. I hadn't realized how heart broken I actually was. For him to carry me and me to be in his arms felt like home. He placed me on a meadow that kissed a lake.
"What are we doing here?" I asked laying down and he laid down next to me.
"Look at the sky crystal." He said, but I was already looking, "It's clears a day and sunny as God, but it also gets cloudy and stormy. Sometimes pale, a beautiful magenta."
"What are you getting at?" I said looking over at him.
"Your like, my sky, you need to stop being weak and shine through the clouds." He said.
"My fucking back is numb and you want to talk about skies?" I said stressing.
"Get up Crystal."
"I can't"
"Stop saying that."
"Nathaniel I really can't."
"You're not listening."
"I'm going to kill you!" I said sitting up and my back cracked. I took deep breathes of air and he kneeled In Front of me.
"Now I need you to do that everyday, without me." He said holding my face.
"You don't get to do that. You don't get to leave me!" I said pounding on his chest. It took all my might to stand up with him.
"Why are you such a coward! I'm not afraid why are you!"
"I lost my father."
"And I lost my mother, but I don't make others pay the price."
"I guess I'm not as strong as you thought I was." He said walking toward me lifting his shirt, "do you see these marks." I lifted mine too,
"Do you see these? Don't you see that were both sick, we make each other feel normal."
"No Crystal you make me even more crazy. You make me want to slaughter people for hurting you."
"Then you should slaughter yourself, cause you've just hurt me." I said with the wind blowing my hair.
"You've got it Nathan, I hate you." I spat cold.
"I love you, since we're both lying." I creased my forehead and stared at him with despair and sorrow in my eyes, that instantly turned to rage and fury. I pounced on top of him punching him in his nose and then over and over again till blood was everywhere.
"Hit me again." He said spitting blood on the grass.
"I hope someone hurts you as bad as you hurt me." I said fleeing the scene.

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