Aftter the accident.

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Katja's pov-
"Has your sister ever seemed suicidal?" The person asked.
"She's always crying and .. Dad and I, we always try to help her but she shuts us out. Being close to her is like window shopping. You get to see everything pretty for show but not know the Inside." The detective jotted down some notes.
"We noticed a lot of bruises and scars, was that of her own making or?"
"Yes." I said firmly.
A few more questions and I was finally done.
"Can I see her?" The man nodded. He showed us the place she was being kept. It was a simple glass room with pale walls a white bed and nothing too dangerous.
"Crystal?" She was sleeping. Her forehead was red and her, she was the color blue.
"I know your faking it! I've always been here for you and you know that." I exclaimed. She opened her eyes.
For a few minutes she just stared and then finally got out of bed and walked over to the glass. I looked up at her and she looked down at me.
"All those nights , days! All those times he hit me, he even tries to throw me out a window and you still, think you've been here for me. I hate you." She spat.
"I'm not sick!" She began chanting.
"You launched yourself out a window."
"I'm not sick!" She punched the glass angrily.
"Let me out! I will kill you!" She banged and banged and eventually some workers came to grab her.
"Get off of me!" She punched the girl in the face and bit the man in his arm. She grabbed the keys and pursued to open the door. Right when she turned it another worker had shot her with another tranquilizer. Dad and I had walked away. I felt so bad for Crystal, I loved her so much. She lied about dad abusing her and I don't know why.
I told Ashley and others. They all gave their sympathies and some of the immature guys called her psycho girl. I couldn't help but notice Nathaniel staring at me from across the street. When everyone left into the house I went over to him.

"What's up?"
"You lied."
I was confused as ever, "About what?"
"You were there. You saw me staring at her from the other side of the house and right when it happened you grabbed me and kissed me."
"What , what are you?"
"Your a compulsive liar. Do you want me to hurt you little girl? Do you want me to fuck up your mentality, I can't cause it already is." He then grabbed my arm and came close to my ear to whisper, "Your sister is so beautiful,I could kiss her full lips and stare at her gleaming eyes all day. I could converse with her beautiful mind and her lovely voice. You? You try too hard. Stay away from me or I will destroy what's left of your caring mind. I will destroy what's left of your little heart." He let go and disappeared.

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