I love you

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"Thanks from separating me from my sister, I fear she will unplug my machines in the night." I smiled.
"No problem, so what did you want to talk about crystal?"
"Why do you pretend like you don't remember me?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I have these dreams sometimes and I feel like it's some of my old life in some ways, although there was this one particular one which you were in."
He sat confused for a second, "keep going."
"We were in Italy together because my mom and your dad had a business trip. We fell asleep and then I heard something so I woke you up, don't you remember this?"
"I do."
"Why didn't you tell me we were that close?"
"Somethings are just not meant to be Crystal."
"The dream stopped when I awoke early from surgery today, if there's something your not telling me I need to know. There are holes and chapters of my life just floating around in other people's hearts. I think I have the right to know." He looked down and took off his white coat rolling his hospital chair over to me.
"You're my sister." He said. I creased my forehead because this couldn't be true.
"Then how are we the same age? I look just like my mom and you look just like your father." I said.
"You mom never told you the story?" He said.
"Haven't you realized that people more know more about me than I know about
myself." I said tearing.
"Hey hey it's okay." He grabbed my arm.
"Your mother or our mother ,had twins, my father had delivered us in secrecy, your father isn't really your father ."
"He is always going to be my dad, He's done damage only a father could create, but if your dad is really my father then how come he's never been there for me? Or showed me love?"
"He swore to your mother he would never tell, she knew that one day when she was gone you'd just ..." He stopped talking and I kept staring at the door for I was lost for words. If this was just the beginning, what about everything else.
"Can we keep this to our self?" I asked.
"Kris?" We both turned our heads to see , our father.
"Yes ?"
"How's our patient." He said walking in. The way he labeled me as just a patient, I just wanted to burst out and tell him that it was okay now.
"I'm fine." I interrupted.
"You're not," he briefly paused, "You have severely dislocated some of your vertebrae's, you seem to be suffering severe head trauma with side affects of memory loss and confusion, dizziness, partial paralysis , anxiety and shock. So Ms.Crystal when I ask you how are you do not tell me fine." He said in a serious matter.
"Dad," Kris interrupted.
"Don't dad me. If I hadn't diagnosed her she would just be released and not know a single thing." He sighed,
"Kris may you please exit he room." He said and no questions asked he did so.
"Ms.Crystal, do you mind telling me what those bruises and scars on your body are from." He asked.
"I fall a lot."
"Was it your dad?" He asked.
"Nothing, I want to start surgery immediately on your spine. As for the head trauma I advise , as a matter of fact I highly suggest that you do not take blows to the body because just one hit and you may think you're 3 or you won't know who the people around you are."
"Maybe , I don't know who the people around me are." I said.
"Where's your father? He should be here."
I thought about what he just said. It's ironic really, he is my father but it doesn't feel like he's here.
"I don't know." I said, "How's Katjarine?" I asked.
"She's fine, just two sprained knees that will heal." He said walking out to prep for surgery. And that's when I knew that he really was my father because no one knew Katja's full name except mom and dad. How badly the words "thanks dad" wanted to roll off my tongue and grasp around his neck.
I rubbed my hands on my face and thought about how crazy my life was. When I fell from that window, I was so afraid yet relieved because I thought I was going to die. As my body collided with the concrete sidewalk my whole body shook with terror. There was so much blood oozing, the Crimson color painting and spreading rapidly. At that moment I was so ready to die, to leave all my troubles here. When Nathan came to hold me in his arms I had realized that I had something to live for. I was his weakness and he was my strength. That exchange of power was all we had left. Nathan then stood at the door just staring at me.
"They say their going to do surgery soon." I said.
"When I saw you fall, I thought you were dead."
"Good thing I'm not haha." I said. He walked closer and sat next to me.
"I came to say goodbye."
"What ? Where are you going?"
"I can't, I can't lose you." He said looking away. My eyes grew watery and my mind scrambled with confusion.
"It's better if I never have you at all." He stood there and then started walking toward the door, "Your such a coward. You never cared for me at all." I cried pounding on the hospital bed.
"Don't say that!" He shouted.
"For the longest I've been able to play numb to shit like this, but then you came in with your smile and your big spectacular eyes. At first it was great, the feeling of happiness but then the sadness came to. And when you almost died, it hurt my heart. I can't do this I can't just lose you. Don't say I never cared for you."
"You can't run away from your demons Nathaniel." He then walked over face to face with me.
"But I can choose the side that's going to win, can't I Crystalena?" He asked me.
"You don't have the right to call me that." I said looking down.
"Look, I love you." He held my chin up. We leaned in for a kiss but then I stopped.
"Goodbye." I said, not even saying I love you too. He actually had left. I put my head up and began crying, my throat became scratchy and I hurt all over.
"Crystal are you ready to begin?" My dad said.
"I'm hurting." I said still crying. He walked over with the anesthesiologist as he started to drug me up.
"Where crystal?" He asked. I just stared into his blue eyes with my lips parted, still shaking from the hole being drilled into my mind.
"Here." I put his hand on my heart. My eyes started blinking as whatever the other doctor was giving me kicked in fast.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"I know the truth ." I said before shutting my eyes.

Exiled by SocietyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora