The Sadistic Boy

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I put the cigarette in my mouth inhaling over 7000 chemicals and exhaling it into the atmosphere, hoping that one day it would be enough to kill me. Or everyone. One puff became two and then three and next thing you know I was addicted. I sighed and started mumbling to myself,
"So this is what if feels like eh? Hope you're happy old man." I said hoping my father could see me.
"Nathaniel!" Mother barged into my room,
"What did I tell you about those damn cigars!" She reached for it but I pulled my hand back.
"Put it out now!". I hesitated for a second and then I brought it down next to my heart, pushing the cigarette against my skin. Mothers eyes glared at me with horror,
"Would you like to try?" She stepped back a bit, "It doesn't hurt I promise." She stared at the burn mark on my chest.

"Those things, killed your father you know." Is all she could make out.
"I know and they'll kill me too."
"Nathaniel just admit you're depressed." I raised a brow,
"Depressed? Depression can only be obtained by those who can feel and I," I said as I put my hand on my chest, "Am incabaple to feel because you know what mom? Dad felt, oh yeah he felt hard, and his feelings became his side affect of dying and you, you ma'am you killed him. You broke his goddamn heart and where did he end up? With a noose around his neck in the living room. And you know who found him? Your children. And you know who read the note? Me."
She didn't respond.

"I remember the very words he had written, why did you have to hurt me Josephine? Why did you have to hurt him josephine!" I kept shouting. She stopped this by slapping me,
"Oh how I wish that had hurt."

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