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"Leave.." I said with a crack in my voice. I put my face to the fall so he wouldn't see me. My eyes were puffy, my hair was wild, eyeliner stained my face and I was just a worn out mess, but that was not the reason I wanted him to go. I just need to be alone, all I can ever be is alone.
"Is that you..?" He said. I trembled trying not to break down in front of him. He walked toward me and crouched beside me.
"Why are you here you don't even know me." I said. He then sat down in front of me and said nothing in response. I didn't say anything else I just kept my head down but I felt his eyes glued to me. Every time I wanted to say something I just bit back my tongue and I finally met his eyes. He then saw what an emotional mess I was. I took the bandage off my nose and bandaid off of my forehead.
"I tried to kill myself, I belong here so you should just go ." I broke the silence.
"No you didn't." He said.
"Nathaniel, how are you going to tell me? Even my dad and Katja said I did, I was in denial but I am really insane. I did this to myself."
"Crystal I saw you." It got real quiet.
"...Then why didn't you help me?" I stared at him half angry half disappointed.
"I was on my way to help you and k,"
"Crystal!" Natasha entered and ran over to me, Nathan and I just looked down.
"Hi Natasha." I fake smiled and we both stood up. I gave her a hug and limped over to my bed. When I sat down I saw Nathan put his hand on his head and make a face and then I looked to the door and saw my sister.
"I brought Katja..." Natasha said awkwardly.
"Hi Crystal,hi Nathan." She looked at him with puppy dog eyes. She came over to hug me and then went to hug him but he did not hug him back.
"Are you two a thing." I asked looking them both in the eye.
"Well," said Katja.
"No." Said Nathan.
"Katja.. Why did they even let you in I specifically put you on the do not let visit list." I said coming off as rude but I didn't care.
"Hey! I saved your life, I'm just trying to help cause you need it."
"Don't you dare! Maybe I wouldn't have attempted to take my life if,"
"Stop!" Shouted Nathan, "Crystal you didn't try to kill yourself. Your dad hang you by your leg and when I walked over to help you, your sister kissed me. She knew what she was doing and I couldn't help you in time." He said. The room was dead, I looked at my sister with disgust.
"I don't believe you," I said holding back tears. He stood in front of me as I was sitting on the side of my bed,
"Listen girl, normally I would have just watched you fall to your death and not care at least one bit. I would not have come to tell you, I wouldn't take the time to sit with you even though you're not at your best," he then pointed at Katja, "I thought I was evil in the flesh but she's the devil in disguise. You asked me why am I here and said that I don't even know you, I came because you deserved to know that someone cared, for a long time I've been a careless person but I needed to help you. It's worthless because I can't even help myself. I'm gonna go now ..." He looked at Katja, "if you even come near me, you'll feel crystals pain times a thousand." He then left. I was just lost for words,
"Katja you're terrible love.." Natasha said, "Crystal next time I come I'll come alone .." She left. It was just me and Katja left. I didn't say a word to her I just went to lay in my bed.
"Crystal?" I turned and saw Ashley and Katja was gone. She shut the door behind her and came running to my bed, I hugged her and started to cry and she did too.
"I'm so sorry." She said.
"Its not your fault." I sobbed.
"I'll try to get you home to your family as soon as possible." I parted with her,
"I can't go back there.. They're evil." She looked at me confusingly.
"I remember everything. All these bruises," I lifted my gown, "I didn't try to kill myself, my dad did and Katja all she ever did was watch."
"I'm here now baby and I'll always be here okay best friend?" She hugged me again
"Okay." I hugged her back.
And then I saw

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