Ashley And I

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I heard someone enter the room but I still pretended I was asleep, even though my eyes were wide open under the pink blind fold. That's when I felt a light body pounce onto my bed sheets.

"Chris, I know you're awake."
"Ugh I hate you Ashley." I groaned slipping off the fold.
"Morning pretty!" She jumped off the bed and placed five shopping bags on it, "I come bearing gifts." I stared at her confusingly.
"Where are we going?"
"Your mom had arranged that youth group thing for us before, you know, and it starts tomorrow so I brought some things back from Paris!" She grinned.

"Yeah Im sorry I forgot, but thank you."
"Ah ah, its Merci."
"No stupid!" She threw a pillow at me giggling, "Mer-ci."
"Merci Ashley."

I tried on this one outfit it was a denim flannel and a white crop top with black tights and brown boots.
"Gosh you look just like her." Ash whispered. I touched my cheekbone as the memory from yesterday flash backed when I saw mom. Ashley pulled my hair back into a pony tail and we both stared into the mirror.

"Macnific!" She clapped and smiled, "Now let's go." We hurried down the stairs and slipped right past my dad who was talking to a pillow, it was pretty sad.
"Is your dad okay?" Ashley said as I shut the front door.
"Of course he is, he's just shaken up but he'll get over it." I said in a normal tone as we continued to walk. Then she stopped me,
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine." I stared into her hopeless blue eyes, she seemed to be searching for something but I just gave her a blank expression. She then nodded and we caught a taxi to the mall.

|||West View Mall|||

I handed the taxi driver a five dollar bill and hopped out the car. There had been a lot of traffic today so we arrived in 15 minutes. Walking into the huge place I stood their for a few seconds because I hadn't been around so many people for so long,
"Chris! Come on." Ashley nagged. She brought me to this hardcore clothing penny boards shop. There had been a few dudes smoking pot in the far right corner and two goth chicks checking out the penny boards. Ashley was wearing black boots, a spiked jacket, purple ripped jeans and a white shirt. She seemed to fit right in, but I just didn't. A tall pale boy then walked up to Ashley and held her up by the waist,

"I missed you baby." She said as she kissed him.
"Who's this?" The boy looked at me.
"Oh that's Crystal , Crystal this is Ashton."
"Pleasure to meet you Ashton." I nodded.
"So you're the best friend who's mom died?" Ashley quickly shoved him and gave him a look, "Its fine ash. I mean, you Ashley its fine" These names were going to confuse me. He brought us to the back near the boys who had been buzzed a few minutes ago.

"Wait here Chris?" Ashley said , I nodded in return. I leaned against the black wall uncomfortably and I could hear Ashton boning Ashley in the room behind it. It was actually kind of gross. So I just waited and waited until one of the boys had approached me,
"Why you all alone?" I stared at him for a few seconds studying his intentions,
"As you can obviously hear I'm waiting for my best friend."
"Oh." He was lost for words, "You're pretty." He drew closer to me and I could feel all the boys in the corners eyes glued to me.
"Thank you." I said breathing heavily. He turned his head and it looked like he was going to kiss me. I stared at his lips as they met mine and I kissed back for a second. I then blushed when he pulled away, then he came to kiss me again but I nudged my head to the right,
"Stop I barely know you."
"But you know you want it." He said touching my lower waist.
"I said stop." I let out weakly and he went to kiss my neck.
"Stop it!" I struggled to get him off me. One of the boys who had just inhaled a bit of smoke pushed the guy off of me. He stood there looking at me and I stared back as the smoke slowly exhaled from his nose and closed lips.
"Go." He said softly.

Ashley and Ashton then came rushing out the back,
"What the hell!" Ashley screamed. I began crying and ran out of the store. I went into the nearest restroom I could find and broke down,
"Mommy why aren't you here, to protect me from dad and to tell me about boys and things, why did you leave me!" I poured some water into my hands and threw it on my face. And when I looked up again there she was, again. Her tall, green eyed, brunette haired self and she was handing me a tissue. I blinked my eyes but it was only a blonde old lady with pink glasses.

"You okay?"
"Now young lady its not nice to lie to your elders."
"No." I began crying again and she gave me a hug.
"Your mother had to go for a reason, one of those being to help you be strong. Now I don't know you but I know enough and I know it hurts but a change is coming okay?" I nodded with crying eyes.

A little girl came out the stall behind us, "Grandma who's this?" She said In a squeaky voice.
"A fighter."

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