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I ran up to Katja and hugged her, "where's mom and Auntie Mia?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders. I looked at the lit house and ran Toward it letting go of Katja's hand.
Then I woke up.
I keep having these dreams... I looked at my table which had a full plate from yesterday and a full carton of orange juice. My nurse then entered with a disapproving face, I just gave her a blank expression.
"Crystal, you have to eat." She said. But I just stared at her. She took some brand new Apple sauce and took a spoonful. She signaled for me to eat but I just sat there. She then gave up and brought the pills. She held out her hand signaling for me to take it.
"No." I said. I turned around and laid facing away from the door and she surprisingly left. I started tearing because of what had happened the other day... I then heard a number of people enter  the room. Startled, I turned around and saw a doctor, my nurse and three men in white.
"I wont eat! I won't take your damn pills." I shouted scolding them. The three men went into the hallway and brung out this machine. They strapped me to my bed so tight, it would leave such a mark.
"What is this?" I asked looking confused and nervous.
"You have to eat." Said my nurse.
"I refuse!" I said turning my head. One man came over and held my head tight.
"Let go!" I bit his arm.
"Owe ! I don't get paid enough for this." He whined. One of the men then stuck me with a tranquilizer then the nurse stuck the pills down my throat.
"What the the the hell?" I said. My world started spinning and turning. Suddenly my eyes closed but I was still awake? I sat up freely, the straps were off. I got out the bed and no one said anything.
"Hello?" They continued to ignore me. I went to tap on the mans shoulder but my hand went right through him. What the ?.... The three men placed these tubes in my nostrils and I guess food was being produced inside me.

"It's the pills." A womanly voice startled me.
"Who said that?" I then saw someone slip from the room. I walked out and saw them running down the hall. I ran into the bathroom and there was nobody there.
"It's me." I turned to see myself. I walked around me in circles wondering what was this. What kind of game was going on ?
"I thought you, I mean I was in the hospital bed." I said, I walked back but I was not there.
"Get back in there." I said. She just walked away like it was nothing. I followed her up to where me and Isabel would sit. Come to my surprise Isabel popped up. I turned around but she appeared again.
"I need help, I'm trapped." She cried but I turned the other way.
'Let me just show you." She took my hand and I followed her to the back of the building. I went into the dumpster and my eyes were infected with this horrible image. It was Isabel's body all worn out, in the trash.
"Where is your family,..this, this is not proper." I said shivering. The world started fading bright and a sound rang in my ears.

"What is this." I woke up with these tubes in my nostrils. I quickly ripped them out, I started crying. I went in the corner with my blanket and balled up. I shivered so much you wouldn't know what stillness was. You don't know what it's like to be afraid of everything. I miss my mother, I miss Isabel. They left gaps in my brain no one could ever bare to feel. My mother, she was my whole world. She taught me to love myself but all I can do is hate the memory letting the house swallow her up. I would do anything just to have another conversation just to look at her face. My world begins to look more colorless everyday. I don't.. I don't want to go home. Dad, he doesn't know when to stop. Sometimes he just keeps hitting and hitting  till he forgets who I am. I notice Katja just watching, if she would just help me. If mom just stayed alive. I would never have to bare this pain. This thing deeper than pain, so deep that it no longer only affects my heart but it sends vibrations throughout my body. I wish somebody could hear me or understand this loneliness.


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