Save Me a Kiss

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Crystals pov- I saw the nurse standing outside of my room chatting about getting ready to give me the pills. I couldn't throw them up again, it feels like it's ripping my stomach lining and I'm getting sick. The nurse opened the door and walked over to me writing on her board.

"Okay, Crystal Zachariah." She wrote down some notes and pulled out the pills' "Swallow it." I put it in my mouth but this time I hid it in the corner.
"Open wide, wiggle your tongue." I did so and she didn't seem to notice it but then she started stretching parts of my mouth out. I felt it starting to slip from my mouth.
"What's that?" She pointed and I started shaking.
"Oh you have a cap tooth."
"Yeah." I laughed.
"I'll be on my way now." She exited. I took the pills out my mouth and put it under my pillow. Then I walked out and went through the door that led to the top of the building. I had never done it myself but Isabel told me to meet her up here. I walked up toward her and tapped her shoulder,
"Sit." She patted the ground. I sat down with my legs hanging over the building.
"Can I talk to you?" She asked.
"Yeah sure."
"Do you think my family was wrong for leaving me here to rot, or do you think I belong here?"
"I think that your family wasn't thinking straight and instead of helping you they left it to people who barely remember the things you tell them. People who leave you high so that you won't feel anything."I said and she leaned on me. I started playing with her hair. It was so beautiful sitting here watching everyone disappear never seeing them again and seeing others often. Leading their busy lives as we were deprived from ours.

"Crystal?"she said softly.
"Please don't leave me." My heart sank. Her eyes were watery with the reflection of the sky in it.
" I won't." I said. She then sat up and turned her face to me.
"I think I'm in love with you." She said.
"Huh?" I asked.
"You're so pure , you're not like the others." I was lost for words and she then rubbed her thumb on my cheekbone making circles. I just looked down trying not to say much. She then came in for a kiss,
"What are you two doing up here!?" Said the guard, We stood up as we were startled,
"Isabel you're going to solitary for the rest of your stay."
"No! That'll be forever!" She cried shaking her head. The guard inched closer and she inched back,
"Isabel the ledge!" I yelled. She looked at me then at the guards who were now swarming toward her.
"Save me kiss." She said holding my hand as she turned around. She opened her arms and took a step into the sky. I reached my hands out, I... I just couldn't. I couldn't reach far enough. Her gown, it ripped into my hands. I opened my mouth with widened eyes as I saw her just fall. Her body crushed into the ground, I heard her bones from here. People around her were frightened. I tried to step out to reach her but the guards were holding me I was tugging,turning, wailing but they wouldn't budge. I looked to the side and there she was. Smiling. I whispered,
"How could you smile?" I asked.
But she disintegrated into the lilac sky. I threw my head back just swallowing back tears. I looked at my hands and I had the piece of her gown in my sweaty palms. Unable to move because I was now pinned to the ground I just let it go.
I am so tired of hurting. Can I just let go. I closed my eyes, goodnight Isabel.

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