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I lay there in bed thinking about everything that happened 7 years ago. I know it was a long time ago but still hurts every time it comes around. I think back to Maxon under the table bleeding to death and there's nothing I can do to stop it. Thinking that somewhere his parents were dying while all this was going on. I think back to when Maxon was about to pick Kriss and I could tell everyone was looking in shock but the king. How sad I felt when Aspen pulled my away from Maxon to bring me to safety. And just a few days before that my father had died. All that pain came rushing back to me. As I lay there in bed in the middle of the night I cry. I am not sure if maxon could hear my or not but when a arm came around me and pulled me in to more warmth than I have ever had I knew he did.  I turned into him and cried the rest of the night. 

I woke up the next morning with puff red eyes and in Maxon's arms. He was still sleeping when I woke. I looked at him with a small grin on my face. Out of all the bad something good came out of it. I look around in the room to see a almost black dress hanging off a chair in the room. I wore at least something like it every year. Always on this day. This day we would look back on that day and I don't think I could. 

Maxon started to move around in bed and he pulled me in closer. I knew he didn't want to leave bed today but I always made him. 'Maybe I should just let him stay in bed today'... I thought. So for once I acted on it. I started to get up when he sat up. 

" America... Just come back to bed. We don't have duty's today." I looked at him with a small smile. 

" You stay in bed Maxon. I will go get us something to eat." He look taken back by my words. He smiled and nodded. I turned from him and went to the bathroom for my robe. Once on I left the room and went down to the dinning room. I walked in and saw three maids setting up food. They all stopped once they saw me walk in.

" King Maxon and I will be taking breakfast in our room today. If you could bring it all up there that would be lovely. Thank you, Good day." I said to them, Turned around and walked back up to our room. 


After eating Maxon got out of bed and we both got ready for the day. We grabbed Eadlyn and Ahren on the way down to the garden. We walked outside while the kids played and ran around. 

" Keep in my eye view!" I yelled to them.

" Yes mommy!" Yelled back Ahren. 

I smiled and sat down with Maxon at are spot. He smiled at me and down at are new comer. We still didn't know if it was a boy or girl. This time around we wanted not to know. 

" It's hard." He says in a soft low voice.

" I know." With that we sit there a little longer. We hold onto one another as if one or the other might slip away. He kisses me and we start to walk once more.


The rest of the day we were outside. It was night now and Maxon and I are laying in bed. Every time I close my eyes and see that day play over and over again. Maxon holds me so tight as if to say ' I'm still here'. I let my self get taken away from him, My love. Aspen pulled me away from him when he was dying! I see me locked in that safe room shooting at the door to open it. I think of the thing's the were going through my mind in that moment. Thinking and seeing my mind come up with a pic of him dead.

I don't even know I fell asleep but I guess I did because the next thing I did was wake up screaming.  I could feel Maxon jump up an grab my hand. 

" America! What is it!?!" He looked scared for life! I could see the fear in his eyes. A few guards came running in but Maxon sent them away. I looked over at him and put my hand to his face.

" Your not dead... Your not dead... Your not..." I kept saying those same words over and over again. He face softened. He looked sad but I kept my hand to his face.

" It was just a bad dream my dear it will past I promise you that." He started to lay back down and he pulled me with him. I cuddled up into his warmth and fell asleep.


The next day I stayed in bed. Maxon came in a few time to see me but I never said anything. I wanted to be by myself. When it came to dinner time I final got up and out of bed. I needed to move around and get out of the room. I walked down stairs to the dinning room to see Maxon, Eadlyn, and Ahern all sitting at the dinner table. I save this photo in my mind to keep forever. 

I walked over to the table and sit down. I give Maxon a kiss on the cheek and Smile at my children. 

" How are you this evening America?" Maxon looked over at me. He gave me a soft smile and I gave one back. 

" I am doing... Better in a way." He didn't say much after that. Only talking about work and how everything was going. 

After dinner Maxon and I put the kids down to sleep and went to my room. 

" What happened last night?" His voice low like I might hurt him for asking or something. I look up at him and feel a tear fall down my cheek. 

" It was... Nothing I promise. Just a bad dream." 

" That's not true! You said that I was not dead. Why was I dead in your dream? Why was it so bad that you took the day off?" He seemed mad. But why? I looked at him ready to tell him why... But instead I ran to the bathroom and shut the door. 


Hey guys!! I took you I would get this chapter up!! I got to at least 1,000 words. I am going to be doing longer chapters from now on if I can. I hope you don't get mad at me for leaving this how I did. Will they split? Will america leave?? I am not going to say... all I will say thought is that the next few chapters will not be the best for these two lovebirds. Alright that's all for now bye!!

- Lastforever365

Maxon/America After the selectionWhere stories live. Discover now