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I started to ran to Maxon. When I got to him he fell over and I grabbed him. We fell to the floor his head is in my lap and fell like how I did that night long ago when I was about to lose him. 

" My dear America are you alright? Are the twins?" 

" They are fine I am fine. But don't talk right now save your energy." 

He started to close his eyes and I knew I could not lose him. I started to cry and scream for the doctor.

" Maxon you keep your eyes open ok! I can't lose you I won't lose you. Not now." 

He looked into my eyes and I could see he wanted to keep them open but in the end they closed.

Maxon Pov 

As I looked up at my crying america I was sad. I wanted to stay but the darkness would not let me. I closed my eyes and was taken to a nice warm place were I was with my family and we weren't the king or the queen. It was just us. One nice happy normal family.  I was walking to my family when i was pulled back to everything. I opened my eyes and America was holding my hand and crying. she got up and walked over to Marlee and huged her and cryed. Should I speak? i tryed to move but than yeluped in pain. America looked back at me a the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face. She ran for me and gave me a hug witch hurt like crazy! 

" I am so sorry! I am just so happy you are alive!" She said as she sat down and grabded my hand.

" How long was I out for?"

" You were out for three day's."

It did not feel like three day's. To me it was like a second. I looked up at america and gave her a small smile. She also gave me one too. 

" I would like to stay but I can't wall you are in here I must take your spot in those stupid meetings and stuff. But I will be back tonight." America said. I knew someone would have to take over wall i was here but america. Why would they take her from me at this time. 

" Ok my dear. See you tonight."

" You call me dear one more time I will make you hurt" she said with a small smile. once she was gone I fell asleep.

Maxon/America After the selectionWhere stories live. Discover now