Two years later/ The Test

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This day is the most biggest day of my life. As I stood there in the bathroom looking at the test i knew that Marlee was going to want to know what the pregnancy test said.

" Marlee can you come in here." I said with a voice that was shakey.

" What did it say mar?"

As she walked in she started to look at my face to see if she could read it.

" Marlee it says yes."

She stoped walking and than ran to me and hugged me.

" When are you telling Maxon? I am sorry I mean I am so happy for you" Said Marlee.

I stood there still taking in what it said. Then my eyes went from the test to my stomach. I droped the tested and put my hand on my stomach. Marlee stood there and looked at me.

" I will come back later mar. Just when you tell maxon Come find me and tell me everything."

As she started to walk out i found my voice.

" I am not going to tell him."

She stoped and turned around and looked at me.

" What do you mean you are not going to tell him!?!"

" I mean not till his brithday. He is going to be so happy."

She looked at me with a smile.

" Mer i am so happy for you but i have somthing to tell you. I guess this is the best time to tell you... Me and carter are having a baby as well."

I stood there feeling nothing but joy for me and my bestfriend as well.

" Marlee i am so happy for you two."

" I found out a week ago."

" And you didn't tell me!"

" I am sorry we justed wanted to wait till the right time. I can see now that it was the best time for me to tell you."

We stood there. We would be soon to be mothers and i just could not wait."

The week pasted by in a blink of a eye. Every single time i did not feel good maxon brought me the the hospital wing. I had to tell them i was fine but they checked once maxon felt the room I had to tell them. I told them to keep quite about it though. Today is Maxon Brithday and tonight would be the night he find out.

" Maxon honey you have made time to come to your brithday party today right?"

I could see in his eyes that he forgot.

" Um... Of course I did. How could I forget that was tonight on brithday."

" You forgot about it!"

" No I did not! I Just didn't make time for it."

" You are lucky I know you like the back of my hand and did it for you."

" Thank you my love. Then I will see you tonight. I love you my america."

" And I love you Maxon."

I started to walk down the hall when I stoped and saw Aspen talking to Luce. Aspen had propsed to Luce and they were going to get married back then posedpond it when Luce Father became ill. She was not in a place to get married.

" Hey you two. How are you guys?"

Aspen i could see was not happy and then he walked off.

" Are you guys ok?"

" We are fine for now. He is not happy with putting off the wedding and i am not happy about it also but you know i am not in a place to get married right now."

" I understand and you know that. Well I have to go but I hope you guys will make it thought this."

As I started walking to the ballroom to see how everything looked. I turned into a bathroom instead. I ran to the toilet and threw up. As I walked out of the bathroom after I was done I ran into Maxon.

" My love are you ok?"

" I am fine. I just did not feel well."

" You have been like this a lot. I am going to take you to the hospital wing."

" Honey you don't need to do that."

" We I want to make sure you are ok and health. I am sorry if i am a loving husband. I just want to make sure you are ok."

" Maxon you have brought me to the wing 10 times this week and they said I was fine."

" Fine you win this time."

" You need to get back to work my king and so do I. Now going and I will see you tonight." I said.

" I love you Mer."

" And I love you Maxon."

Maxon/America After the selectionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя